Life at Deloitte

National Intern Day 2024

Celebrating our interns, this day and beyond

July 25, 2024

Meet some of our interns who are making an impact that matters and hear what they’ve learned during their internships at Deloitte.​

Name: Mila Rawlins
Business: Audit & Assurance
School: Santa Clara University
Anticipated graduation date: Spring 2025
Major: Accounting

What has been the most impactful project or assignment for you during your internship, and why?

I've recently had the opportunity to work on financial controls, which has been an insightful learning experience. This responsibility has not only enhanced my skills but also provided exposure to an area I wasn’t as familiar with.

What are the top three things you will take away from your internship experience?

  1. Embrace every opportunity to assist with various tasks. Being proactive and versatile can add significant value to your team.
  2. Welcome feedback with an open mind. Constructive criticism is often a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.
  3. Always be approachable and kind! A simple smile, even in passing, can uplift someone's spirits and positively impact the office atmosphere.

What advice would you give to future interns to make the most out of their internship experience?

Bring a lot of enthusiasm to your role! Teams appreciate and thrive with interns who are eager and full of energy. Your positive attitude can energize everyone around you!

Name: Connor Flax
Business: Tax
School: University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Anticipated graduation date: Spring 2025
Major: Accounting

What has been the most impactful project or assignment for you during your internship, and why?

The most impactful project during my internship was being part of a full tax return preparation from start to finish for a gaming client. This experience was particularly significant as it allowed me to understand the intricacies of tax planning and compliance in the entertainment sector, enhancing my technical skills and industry knowledge.

What are the top three things you will take away from your internship experience?

  1. I've improved my analytical and presentation skills, learning to transform complex and large quantities of information into action items.
  2. The opportunity to connect with industry professionals and mentors has truly helped my understanding of and interest in consulting in a tax context.
  3. Gaining experience in client interactions has taught me the importance of understanding client needs and maintaining professional relationships.

What advice would you give to future interns to make the most out of their internship experience?

Embrace every task with enthusiasm, no matter how small it seems. Each task is an opportunity to learn. Always ask questions and seek feedback; it’s invaluable for your growth. Lastly, make the most of networking opportunities within the organization to build relationships and learn from diverse perspectives.

Name: Isai Hernandez
Business: Consulting
School: Miami University of Ohio
Anticipated graduation date: Spring 2025
Major: Cybersecurity Management

What has been the most impactful project or assignment for you during your internship, and why?

The most impactful aspect of my experience has been the hands-on project management work involving client executive deliverables and attending key client meetings. Additionally, the opportunity to travel to a client’s headquarters has been particularly enriching, allowing me to experience and contribute to significant aspects of the project directly.

What are the top three things you will take away from your internship experience?

  1. I learned the importance of storytelling in ensuring the client understands and sees the value of our work, which can be crucial for successful outcomes.
  2. Building strong, supportive relationships within Deloitte has taught me the importance of collaboration in achieving objectives, highlighting that teamwork often leads to more successful outcomes than working alone.
  3. I've developed skills in refining complex information into understandable insights, which is important for clarity and progress in projects.

What advice would you give to future interns to make the most out of their internship experience?

  • As an intern, fully immerse yourself in your role by actively engaging with your team and taking the initiative in your tasks. Build trust by seeking to learn and adapt to your team's environment. Once trust is established, demonstrate reliability by executing your tasks effectively and communicating the impact of your work.
  • Don't hesitate to meet people across the organization and share your experiences and stories. Networking throughout the internship can help you learn and create valuable connections.
  • Get involved in Deloitte initiatives and activities outside of client work to help broaden your exposure and enhance your understanding of the organization’s values. This can create an internal impact for Deloitte and will help you build a strong relationship with the organization.

Name: Abby Adigun
Business: Internal Services
School: University of Chicago
Anticipated graduation date: Spring 2025
Major: Economics and Public Policy

What has been the most impactful project or assignment for you during your internship, and why?

On my team, I had the opportunity to engage with revenue recognition and policy development outside the classroom. Through this experience, I have been able to use what I’ve learned in the classroom setting to make an impact in my role!

What are the top three things you will take away from your internship experience?

My top three takeaways are the importance of being open to feedback, the value of being intentional and proactive with social interactions, and the need for succinct communication. These three elements have truly made my internship experience as enriching as possible, enhancing not only the work that I am doing but also the meaningful connections I have made on my team.

What advice would you give to future interns to make the most out of their internship experience?

Take notes on everything! Document meetings, even when you're just observing. Write down feedback and areas for growth, note what has gone well, and capture anything else you can. This practice helped me understand the complex issues my team was facing and improved my familiarity with software platforms that I had never used before. Additionally, intentional note-taking helped me track my progress toward achieving my professional and personal goals at Deloitte. Note-taking has been key to making the most of my internship experience and significant contributions to my team’s success.

Name: Shrobana Sengupta
Business: Risk & Financial Advisory
School: University of California, Berkeley
Anticipated graduation date: Spring 2026
Major: Business Administration and Data Science

What has been the most impactful project or assignment for you during your internship, and why?

The most impactful project so far has been working on a business case simulation with a couple of other interns across the Bay Area. Working with different types of people has been such an incredible experience, as I have been exposed to diverse perspectives and different ways of approaching problems. I loved getting to meet everyone and work together on this project!

What are the top three things you will take away from your internship experience?

My top three takeaways are the importance of being open-minded, not being afraid to make mistakes, and never turning down an opportunity to build your network! There are so many opportunities to grow professionally and build your network, and Deloitte provides many resources to help you succeed, so take advantage of them!

What advice would you give to future interns to make the most out of their internship experience?

My top advice is to be open to new experiences and talk to different professionals that align with your interests and goals. This has been so valuable for me to gain important professional advice and guidance regarding my future ambitions. Everyone at Deloitte is here to support you in any way possible so do not be afraid to reach out!

Name: Aidan Ng
Business: Risk & Financial Advisory, Government & Public Sector (GPS)
School: Georgetown University
Anticipated graduation date: Spring 2025
Major: International Politics

What has been the most impactful project or assignment for you during your internship, and why?

I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn about Deloitte’s initiatives and how we go to market. Over the past few weeks, I’ve used various internal tools to compare and identify new contracts based on price, fit, client preferences, and other factors. This hands-on approach has given me a fascinating perspective on the RFP procedure.

What are the top three things you will take away from your internship experience?

  1. Deloitte is primarily a professional services organization with some unique offerings.
  2. Anyone at Deloitte will be willing to chat with you, so don’t hesitate to reach out.
  3. Curiosity is a virtue. Always take the initiative to learn, and never assume that you’ve finished learning.

What advice would you give to future interns to make the most out of their internship experience?

I recommend coming in with three goals: a short-term goal that you’ll achieve during your internship, a long-term goal that serves as your north star, and a standing goal to learn more about a budding interest. Once you have these three goals, practice articulating them concisely and turning them into your brand.

Discover your impact at Deloitte

Embarking on an internship journey is not just about gaining work experience, but an opportunity to bring your academic knowledge to life in the dynamic world of business. Discover your impact at Deloitte, where learning is continuous and opportunities are abundant. Check out internships at Deloitte.

Discover the pride of working at Deloitte, where you can be part of a community of people united by their drive to make an impact. A place where you’re celebrated for who you are, your curiosity is fueled by challenges, and you are given the tools you need to grow and thrive. Learn more about life at Deloitte and meet our Deloitte Insiders.

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