Life at Deloitte

Work-life integration for working parents

Sydney Miller shares her experience as a working parent at Deloitte

August 27, 2024

From school drop-offs, after-school events, and sports games, to managing projects and serving clients at work, working parents can have a lot on their plates. We’re taking a closer look at how Deloitte supports our people with tools to help them thrive both at work and at home.

Sydney Miller, digital marketing strategy manager, Deloitte Services LP, offers her insights on being a working parent at Deloitte.

What has your experience been as a working parent at Deloitte?

Having a job that helps support my "whole self" is at the top of my list when it comes to things that have been good for my mental health this past year. Having flexibility in my role and the support and understanding of what it means to be a working parent from colleagues and leaders helps sustain and nourish me. It allows me to show up healthier and happier in all aspects of my life. I have worked for quite a few organizations during my professional career, and from my experience, Deloitte is one of the best when it comes to supporting working parents.

What were some of the challenges you've faced in your career as a working parent, and how have you managed them?

My daughter is five, and as a newer parent, it can feel uncomfortable to ask for time off for parental responsibilities. I think it's important to see leaders prioritize family time by going to a kid's softball game or volunteering for a school event. For me, those sorts of authentic interactions help normalize what it means to integrate work and parenting.

How do you prioritize your health and well-being throughout the year?

I have found that planning in advance, asking for help from my family, and accepting that things will not be perfect are ways to keep my health and well-being in check. That, and a goal of daily walks in my local nature preserve with my dog.

Have you ever used a skill you learned from parenting in a professional situation at Deloitte?

In becoming a parent, I have realized the immeasurable importance of telling the truth. I’m not worried about hiding my true self: I don't hide my tattoos. I openly share that I am gay, and I talk about personal things like being adopted and how I feel like parenting is hard. As someone in a leadership role, I feel it's my responsibility to do this so that others (especially those early in their careers) can see it and know it's okay.

From my experience, Deloitte is one of the best organizations when it comes to supporting working parents.

Five tips from Sydney to help working parents integrate work and life:

  1. Keep a shared calendar with family, friends, and loved ones.
  2. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You don’t have to do it all alone.
  3. Spend time in nature (not connected to a device) every day, even if it’s for five minutes.
  4. Implement a daily gratitude practice. It can be in a journal or on your phone—but my favorite is to say five things I am grateful for with my partner at bedtime.
  5. During a recent training session on enduring human capabilities at Deloitte, I was introduced to the concept of an emotion wheel. It’s now on my whiteboard in front of my desk. I have found that being super clear about what I am feeling helps me understand it better and also helps those around me know how to support me better.

Discover your impact at Deloitte

Sydney recently asked her daughter what she thinks Sydney does for work. Her answers (and prestigious bike skills) might surprise you!

Asking my daughter what I do for work - Sydney (YouTube) 

Meet Brooke Eisele, manager, GPS Strategy, Deloitte Consulting LLP and hear what her kids think she does at Deloitte.

My kids guess what I do at Deloitte - Brooke (YouTube)

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