

Board Governance Webinars

Board Governance Webinars (BGW) provide board members and executives from across industries and geographies with the opportunity to gather and learn about a variety of topics prevalent on board agendas today. Each BGW session features peers, governance professionals, and Deloitte subject matter specialists who tee up the discussion for attendees to reflect on their experiences and perspectives on the proposed topic. Sessions may qualify attendees for CPE credit.

Upcoming sessions

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Session details:

As the world continues to grapple with macro-level issues, advancing technology, and other business processes, the relationship between the board and CEO may be more important than ever. Join us as we hear from a panel of board members and CEOs who will share their insights on strengthening the CEO-board member dynamic—exploring key topics such as succession planning, digital transformation leadership, and collaborative decision-making. Learn about leading practices for board governance that can enhance the effectiveness of both roles, particularly during periods of transition and change.

Featured speakers

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Session details:

Adoption rates for generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) continue to increase as companies look beyond efficiencies and automation capabilities to discover new insights and innovation. As we look to 2025, join us for a discussion on the board's role in overseeing GenAI and finding the right mix of governance processes, policies, and standards to oversee this technology. Our panel’s discussion will include a range of perspectives to enhance GenAI oversight such as how to shape appropriate board structure, key conversations to cultivate with management, and avenues for board members to augment their expertise.

Featured speakers

Past sessions

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