

Board Governance Webinars

Board Governance Webinars (BGW) provide board members and executives from across industries and geographies with the opportunity to gather and learn about a variety of topics prevalent on board agendas today. Each BGW session features peers, governance professionals, and Deloitte subject matter specialists who tee up the discussion for attendees to reflect on their experiences and perspectives on the proposed topic. Sessions may qualify attendees for CPE credit.

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Session details:

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape—where AI is the common thread of nearly every trend—understanding and leveraging emerging technologies is important for driving business strategy and maintaining a competitive edge. However, there is often still a gap in how well the board and technology leaders engage in in-depth, bidirectional conversations about technology's role in an organization. Join us as we dive into the latest technology trends, as discussed in Deloitte's 16th annual Tech Trends report, and leverage this knowledge to elevate boardroom conversations on technology.

Featured speakers

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Session details:

Join us for a discussion about the fourth edition of the Audit Committee Practices Report, a collaboration between Deloitte’s Center for Board Effectiveness and the Center for Audit Quality. This webinar offers audit committee members and those who work with them insights into evolving priorities and challenges facing audit committees today. Additionally, we will explore strategies for enhancing audit committee effectiveness.

Featured speakers

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Session details:

To be announced

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Session details:

To be announced

Past sessions

Explore additional webinars from the Deloitte Global Boardroom Program

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