Deloitte Financial Services on AWS

Deloitte Financial Services on AWS

Smartly designed, fully integrated solutions for the financial services industry.

Why AWS?

Financial services institutions across banking, payments, capital markets, and insurance rely on AWS for the secure, resilient, global cloud infrastructure and services they need to differentiate themselves today and adapt to the needs of tomorrow. As a result of today’s challenging business environment, these institutions are redefining their business models to modernize disparate legacy systems for improved agility and scale, meet rapidly changing consumer behaviors and expectations, drive business growth by harnessing data and innovation, and build with confidence on the most secure and resilient cloud.

AWS meets the most stringent security requirements while delivering the greatest breadth and depth of services, deepest industry expertise, and most expansive partner network. Building on AWS empowers organizations to modernize their infrastructure, meet rapidly changing consumer behaviors and expectations, and drive business growth.

Versatile tools and easy integration

Running old financial systems consumes valuable resources you would rather use for innovation. With the broadest set of migration services and tools, AWS lets you modernize legacy accounting and storage systems for improved agility and scale. Integrating AWS software into your existing financial systems is easy and enables you to maintain your business workflows with minimal technical issues. And you can add custom software modifications designed for the financial industry.

Analyzing data is crucial to the industry’s business growth and innovation. AWS facilitates effective use of data, so you can explore new ideas within a secure data lake, build quickly using a microservices-based platform, and engage partners for new products and capabilities. With AWS cloud-based technologies you can get easy, real-time access to your data across multiple geographic regions and markets.

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    Modernize legacy accounting and storage systems

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    Maintain your business workflow

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    Add custom software for the financial industry

Delivering more value to your customers

Today’s financial-sector customers want instant access to information – from any device, at any location, at any time. Using AWS lets you meet those rapidly advancing expectations. You can offer customers easy-to-use services to track transactions and accounts and help them analyze investment data to uncover what’s important.

AWS offers the largest global footprint in the market, with dozens of Availability Zones (AZs) across more than 20 AWS Regions, so your customer services can truly be global – with more and better data for an enhanced customer experience. You can offer customers a variety of local or global payment methods, in multiple currencies and languages, plus rapid dispute resolution for failed payments.

Backed by more than 20 years of Amazon’s investment in artificial intelligence (AI), AWS offers the broadest and deepest set of machine learning (ML) and AI services for all skill levels. Your developers can create rich, personalized experiences that meet customer expectations without needing ML experience or the assistance of data scientists.


Build with confidence on the most secure, compliant, and resilient cloud

The financial industry is one of the most strictly regulated sectors, with strict rules concerning data privacy and reporting. With AWS, you’re able to connect directly to financial services experts who will help you ensure data integrity with the most secure infrastructure – which includes the elements you need to protect cardholder data, maintain a vulnerability management program, implement strong access-control measures, regularly monitor and test networks, and maintain an information security policy.

AWS supports 93 security standards and compliance certifications, more than any other cloud provider, and is actively acquiring more to help customers stay current (for example, PCI-DSS, SEC Rule 17a-4, Regulation SCI, EU Data Protection Directive, and FISMA). Our cloud data services safeguard the integrity of your IT infrastructure, for both customer protection and regulatory compliance. Having physical separation of data eliminates the vulnerability of a single point of attack, and our compliance security extends globally.

Why Deloitte and AWS for Financial Services

Deloitte provides specialization in a host of AWS-enabled business solutions that empower organizations with agile, intuitive technologies to build tomorrow’s innovations, and that can be seamlessly integrated to meet clients’ needs when and where they need it most. The Deloitte AWS relationship offers custom industry solutions for clients to powerfully differentiate themselves from competitors, redefine industry realities, and achieve their strategic priorities.

Deloitte Solutions for Financial Services on AWS

Deloitte has a strong reputation for delivering smartly designed, fully integrated solutions for organizations across the financial services industry. Deloitte solutions on AWS serve banks, insurers, investment managers, and real estate institutions, offering the latest emerging technologies to solve business issues and deliver elevated customer experiences. AWS Cloud provides an elastic infrastructure to accommodate growth without disruption, with secure data management and access to unprecedented development opportunities provided by open APIs and partner solutions.


Open Banking

Deloitte’s Open Banking solution on AWS is an end-to-end platform that enables greater agility, collaboration, and opportunities for development. Banks can integrate their existing technology assets and use new tools to create custom solutions that make banking easier, more pleasant, and more interactive for their users. Deloitte’s prebuilt software solutions on AWS, such as OpenDATA for Financial Services, reduce the complexity and effort associated with establishing a new technology infrastructure to launch new products in the market for its customers.

Key features
Open Banking promotes coreless banking with scalable architecture and solutions for retail banking, payments, wholesale banking, treasury management, compliance, and service customization through AWS tools, APIs, and partner products.
  • icon-arrow Ubiquitous experience. Enable intuitive, responsive services with multiple digital channels to unbundle products and focus on relationships.
  • icon-arrow API-ready. Integrate existing platforms with emerging solutions and data providers to provide services through direct customer channels and API gateways.
  • icon-arrow Digitized business processes. Use solutions driven by artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to digitize manual processes and strengthen decision-making.
  • icon-arrow Conversational AI. Amplify customer experiences with chatbots to reduce costs.
  • icon-arrow Cloud-ready. Offer cloud-native services, available as configurable containers for easy, fast deployment on public, private, and hybrid cloud setups.
Speed up business processes and deploy new and innovative digital solutions for your customers with Open Banking on AWS – all within a fully secure and compliant ecosystem.
  • icon-arrow Design with prebuilt solutions. Simplify and speed product development with built-in partner collaboration and API templates.
  • icon-arrow Attract and retain customers. Customers are seeking ultramodern digital experiences, and Open Banking helps you deliver them.
  • icon-arrow Share data securely. Open Banking’s data-driven analytics platform makes data sharing meaningful, safe, and simple.
  • icon-arrow Maximize worker effort. Automate administrative and compliance tasks with AI/ML tools and turn your focus to innovation.
  • icon-arrow Simplify your technology landscape. Integrate your existing systems and leverage cloud-based technologies in a single platform.

Customer references

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    A leading global bank launched the first minimum viable product (MVP) of a new small and medium enterprise (SME) digital bank using Deloitte Open Banking solutions in less than three months, resulting in the fastest product launch in the marketplace.

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    A regional U.S. bank digitized and automated the loan origination and credit risk process for its commercial real estate (CRE) product, resulting in a simplified operating model and reduced cost to originate CRE loans and make decisions.


Intelligent Customer Experience

Drive growth with Deloitte’s Customer Experience offering, which uses proven customer-focused methodologies that enhance the human experience while providing consistent, reliable financial services. Deloitte’s prebuilt innovative software solutions, such as TrueVoice and Deloitte Cognitive Customer Experience (DCCX), leverage AWS AI/ML services to deliver personalized customer interactions, improve operations, reduce the risk of noncompliance, and increase customer satisfaction.

Key features
Deloitte’s deep knowledge of the financial industry, emerging best practices, and cutting-edge technologies helps financial institutions design customer-centric experiences and execute effective plans for growth.
  • arrow Contact center transformation. Gain faster standup, omnichannel capabilities, conversational AI, faster resolutions, and reduced operational costs by transitioning contact centers to the cloud.
  • arrow Operational eHX (Elevated Human Experience). Build strategy, enablement, and management capabilities to elevate the human experience across stakeholders.
  • arrow Marketing transformation. Define and execute successful marketing agendas with the latest techniques and tools, and guide customer behavior for organic growth.
  • arrow Hux. Combine operational and experience data with AI on a customer data platform to build personalized customer experiences.
Treating customers exceptionally well at every digital touchpoint drives growth, increases loyalty, and improves interactions across your business. Simultaneously, automating customer service processes saves you time and money.
  • arrow Propel growth and loyalty. Pinpoint your target market and refine your strategy, then watch your customer relationships flourish.
  • arrow Engage your ideal workforce. Enhance internal relationships and improve customer interactions by hiring and retaining exceptional employees.
  • arrow Maximize multichannel benefits. Leverage an ideal blend of channels to both preserve operational resources and increase engagement.
  • arrow Reduce costs. Use intelligent automation and engagement tools and shift to cost-effective, easy-to-scale cloud solutions for improved experiences and savings.
  • arrow Build your reputation. Strengthen your brand by delivering your products through consistently exceptional personal experiences.

Customer references

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    An investment management company implemented a customer experience management and strategy platform, helping it better understand customer feedback in real time. This feedback drives improvements to customer experience programs, contact center operations, and future channel strategies.

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    A leading financial services company stood up a new contact center in a matter of days to help customers navigate the process of securing governmental financial support. This enabled the company to quickly identify customers who were contacting them with similar inquiries, limit impacts to existing company operations, and help tens of thousands of customers receive necessary support fast.

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    A leading U.S. company used AWS-powered AI solutions to enhance the payment collections process. This drove hundreds of millions of dollars in collections for the company and empowered the customer throughout the late payment process.

Connect with Deloitte

To get started transforming your business, innovating faster, and growing ahead of the curve.

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