Deloitte Orgvue Alliance


The Deloitte Orgvue Alliance: Organizational design consulting

Explore our data-driven organizational design and workforce planning solutions

This exclusive alliance combines Deloitte’s consulting capabilities with Orgvue’s real-time organizational design and workforce planning solutions to revolutionize the way organizations plan, design, and optimize their workforce.

Start building an adaptable and future-proof workforce today

The world is constantly evolving. Organizations are pressured to think fast and react, often without considering the long-term implications on their workforce and business growth.

How can you tackle today’s challenges while building a future-proof workforce?

That’s where the Deloitte Orgvue Alliance comes in. This strategic collaboration combines Deloitte’s deep experience in organizational design, workforce planning, human capital, and business transformation with Orgvue’s market-leading technology to help you meet on-demand organizational challenges at the pace of business change. The result: you’re able to make strategic design decisions with speed—versus just a decision at speed—and have the confidence and capabilities to execute.

Collaboration for Sustained Growth

“The pandemic presented all of us with the opportunity to reimagine how we think, act and react differently at work – designing our teams around our best human impulses and potential,” – Don Miller, Deloitte Orgvue Alliance Leader

Explore our capabilities


Single source of truth

Deploy multiple solutions, from holistic organization design to strategic workforce planning, in one platform.


Organizational data analysis

Gain insights into your organization's health with pre-configured views, spans, layers, and more.


Organizational data visualization

Create flexible hierarchies, graphs, and dashboards for visualizing your organizational data.


Scenario modeling

Assess the real-time impact of adjustments to work, organizational structure, people, real estate, and costs.

Our latest Eminence:


Our Thinking

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