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Corner Office Analytics
Focusing on the analytics needs of the CXO
Business analytics used to be the domain of a few select teams buried deep in the business. Today, it lands on the agendas of most CXOs. And success hinges on CXOs’ abilities to collaborate with one another. In our Corner Office Analytics series, we’re focusing on the analytics needs of these senior leaders—and how they intersect with one another.
CEO Analytics
Many CEOs have been content for others in their organizations to own the practice of business analytics. But with data playing a bigger role in value creation, many are seeking a different approach. The more comfortable CEOs are with business analytics, the better prepared they are to orchestrate the analytics responsibilities of their direct reports.
CFO Analytics
CFOs are expected to provide valuable, hands-on partnering with their peers in the business, beyond their ability to provide standard financial reports year after year. Meanwhile, many finance organizations were built to deliver information rather than insight. That’s one reason so many CFOs are turning to business analytics.
CHRO Analytics
After all the effort spent to consolidate their workforce data, many CHROs now enjoy ready access to a wealth of information. Many now use that information to generate reports more quickly and efficiently. But that’s just scratching the surface—and much of this data remains untapped, pushing analytics to the forefront.
CIO Analytics
Rather than providing highly targeted solutions primarily designed to address discrete challenges, Chief Information Officers are becoming increasingly focused on building an interconnected analytics ecosystem. This approach recognizes the data linkages between different parts of the business and makes more efficient use of data-focused resources.
CLO/General Counsel Analytics
Just like the other parts of businesses, legal departments depend on high value, defensible information that can be used to answer some of their toughest questions. Just as important, they need the ability to dissect large data sets quickly, so that they can focus on what’s important: winning.
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CMO Analytics
With growth at the forefront of every business agenda, CMOs today find themselves under enormous pressure to do more with less. In this environment, the convergence of transactional data with third-party sources and social, mobile, and unstructured information offers many CMOs a seductive path to value and opportunity.
CRO Analytics
As the issue of risk increasingly becomes a core strategic concern for many businesses, CROs are facing mounting pressure to identify a wider range of risks and better understand the impacts of differing economic environments on business risk and performance.
Tax Director Analytics
From ensuring that their organizations are consistently complying with tax laws in all jurisdictions, to executing their tax plans and processes effectively, tax directors around the world have come to recognize the growing value of information in these efforts. Tax analytics can help them accomplish their objectives and better serve their businesses.
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