

Deloitte at the 2021 World Petroleum Congress

Prepare for the future of energy

Taking place December 5–9 in Houston, TX, the 2021 World Petroleum Congress is the world’s premier oil and gas conference. It brings together industry leaders and visionaries from around the globe to discuss forward-thinking strategies and technologies that will lead to a sustainable future for all.

The future of the oil and gas energy transition starts here

The 23rd World Petroleum Congress will cover all aspects of the energy industry, from technological advances in upstream and downstream operations to the role of natural gas and renewables; management of the industry; and its social, economic, and environmental impact.

With a comprehensive program featuring perspectives from visionary speakers, an engaging exhibition floor, and numerous networking opportunities, delegates will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and build new connections with industry professionals from all over the world.

Deloitte is proud to be an Elite sponsor of the 23rd World Petroleum Congress

Come visit us at booth #3749. You’ll be able to explore insights on the connected energy future and learn how our next gen Deloitte Greenhouse®, powered by Energy & Industrials in Houston, can help your organization thrive in the future of the energy industry.

Please join us for our networking reception at the Ion

You will enjoy an evening of live music, delicious food, and custom cocktails. Plus, you'll have a sneak peek into The Ion’s new innovation space and meet Dot the Dog—our agile, mobile robot that navigates terrain with unprecedented mobility.

Register to join us

Prepare for the oil and gas conference with our actionable insights

Connect with industry leaders

Are you ready to discover revolutionary technologies and ideas that are creating game-changing solutions for the future of the industry? If you’d like to talk about the oil and gas energy transition and learn more about our presence at the event, let’s set up a conversation.

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