Finance 2025


Crunch time series for CFOs: The Future of Finance is Dynamic

Transform Finance from function to dynamic capability

Transform Finance from function to dynamic capability

External forces like market shocks, industry consolidation and convergence, technology acceleration, and new regulatory requirements are shaping the future of Finance, requiring organizations to adapt. As a Finance leader, how can you prepare the Finance function to thrive in the face of these disruptions? Our Crunch time report takes an in-depth look at how CFOs can transform their Finance function into a resilient, integrated organization that adapts quickly for the future.


Dynamic Finance

Insurance edition

Why are we talking about Dynamic Finance now?

Because the pace of change—internal and external—isn’t likely to slow down. Because there’s no way of knowing what’s around the corner. But whatever happens, leaders can’t let it break the business. Becoming dynamic means the Finance function can help the enterprise compete, survive, and thrive amid change.

Transforming Finance for the future means creating a capability that can flex and adapt in the face of external forces with speed, strength, stability, and flexibility to create value. Imagine that in a period of great uncertainty or change, you can quickly and adeptly:

  • Model and scenario-plan mitigating actions with business leaders to understand how known (and unknown) disruptions may impact business operations
  • Effectively pivot your organization to tackle and address the most pressing needs, whatever those needs may be—growth, cost reduction, system implementation, merger integration, etc.
  • Create an intentional workplace where finance talent feels valued and motivated because they are focused on meaningful and impactful work
  • Proactively identify and mitigate new financial and operational risks arising from changes in the market


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It’s crunch time

In this new environment of constant change and disruption, the challenges for organizations show no signs of stopping. What we know for sure is this: An organization with a foundation of agility, resilience, and automated, simplified processes is often better set up for success, no matter what comes its way. A refreshed strategy and case for change can take your organization a long way. That’s Dynamic Finance.

Deloitte can help

Our Finance Labs explore the “art of the possible” and define your Finance Transformation strategy, bringing to life potential use cases, road map priorities, and future-state benefits. Contact us to learn more.


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