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2021 Global Human Capital Trends Special Report:  Part 2

Pandemic and societal pressures accelerated the worker-employer relationship’s evolution beyond anyone’s anticipation. How might it further evolve amid the uncertainties of a disrupted world? In this episode, Capital H co-hosts Burt Rea and David Mallon reflect on part 1 and dive deeper into the report.

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2021 Global Human Capital Trends Special Report: Part 2

The pandemic strained and tested the worker-employer relationship. This special report explores one central question: How might the worker-employer relationship evolve to meet the opportunities and challenges of the future? Going forward, employers should prepare for multiple futures of the evolving employer-worker relationship. In part 2 of our 2021 Global Human Capital Trends Special Report series, our Capital H hosts, Burt Rea and David Mallon, reflect on part 1 and dive deeper into the report.

You’re not going to choose your future. This is not about which one you might prefer to be in. And in fact, most organizations are going to find themselves in all four at some point. It is about what you want that relationship between worker and employer to be and recognizing that there are some things you can do that are about surviving, that are about just responding and reacting to what's happening around you. But there are paths forward. There are ways to thrive. There are ways to differentiate.

Digital workplaces and the hybrid work model

Hybrid working has driven the need for a re-architecture of the digital workplace, shifting to a flexible work philosophy focused on workforce experience. In Part 2 of our Work from Anywhere series, we share tips for organizations looking to create a sustainable hybrid work model.

2021 Global Human Capital Trends: Special report

The pandemic strained and tested the worker-employer relationship beyond anyone’s anticipation. Going forward, thriving in an uncertain future depends on having a compelling vision for where that relationship should go. Read the full report here.

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