
Designing for impact: Prioritize human outcomes

Part 4 of 2023 Global Human Capital Trends in Action

2023 Global Human Capital Trends in Action is a four-part series on Deloitte’s 2023 Global Human Capital Trends report. In part 4, hear from report authors, Christina Brodzik, Joanne Stephane, Kraig Eaton, and host and report author David Mallon on the final fundamental for a boundaryless world.

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Designing for impact: Prioritize human outcomes

The final fundamental for a boundaryless world relies on collective aspirations. To thrive in this new world of work, organizations must create impact not only for their business—but also for their workers, shareholders, and the broader societies in which they work and live.

In this part 4 of the 2023 Global Human Capital Trends in Action series, host and report author David Mallon is joined by authors Christina Brodzik, Joanne Stephane, and Kraig Eaton for a dive deeper into the third and final fundamental from Deloitte’s 2023 Global Human Capital Trends report, “Designing for impact: Prioritize human outcomes.”

We really have to look at the different experiences and the different outcomes by identity group and even by intersectional identity group, that is the only way we will really understand what's happening in the system so that we can address it and center DEI as intrinsic to, versus separate from the business. It needs to be at the beginning of decision-making processes, not a checklist at the end. Otherwise, we're not going to be able to get the outcomes that we're looking for.

— Joanne Stephane, Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP

2023 Global Human Capital Trends: New fundamentals for a boundaryless world

The boundaries that were once assumed to be the natural order of things are falling away as disruption and discontinuity challenge traditional models and assumptions about work. Organizations and workers must traverse this new landscape together, calling on a new set of fundamentals to navigate the boundaryless world.

2023 HC Trends

Sign up for early access to the 2024 Global Human Capital Trends

In Deloitte’s 2023 Global Human Capital Trends report, we introduced the idea that organizations and workers are traversing a new, boundaryless world together. As the traditional boundaries that kept work and the workforce packaged and orderly have fallen away, organizations have gained permission to experiment, pilot, and innovate to define new fundamentals for work, the workforce, and the workplace. This year, we are continuing our research for our 2024 Global Human Capital Trends report.

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