

Leading the shift from survive to thrive

Developing the capacity for lifelong learning

In 2020, COVID-19 forced organizations to enact radically new ways of working and operating, and we discovered that having a plan to deal with the unexpected isn’t all organizations need for the future: more mission-critical is a fundamental mindset shift from surviving to thriving.

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Leading the shift from survive to thrive

In 2020, the human and economic impacts of COVID-19 forced organizations around the world to enact radically new ways of working and operating. Organizations had to respond to a sudden, unforeseen crisis that rapidly changed and confounded efforts to predict and plan for events. But having a plan to deal with the unexpected—as important as that is—isn’t all organizations need in such an environment. Even more mission-critical is a fundamental mindset shift from surviving to thriving. In this episode, we will introduce the 2021 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends report, discuss key findings, and explore implications on the work, the workforce, and the workplace as organizations emerge from a year that was anything but business as usual.

Proactive may not be the opposite of reactive. Creative may be a better way to think about things. How do organizations leverage these components to get out in front of disruption and thrive while others are stuck in survive?

2021 Global Human Capital Trends

Superteams: Where work happens

Organizations doubled down on teaming as a survival strategy during COVID-19. Leaders now have the opportunity to use what they learned to construct “superteams” that pair people with technology to reimagine work. By amplifying humans’ contributions to new and better outcomes, superteams can play an integral part in an organization’s ability to thrive.

Governing workforce strategies: Setting new directions for work and workforce

COVID-19 was a rude awakening to the fact that governing workforce strategies using metrics and measurements describing the workforce’s current state severely limits an organization’s ability to survive disruption, let alone thrive in it. Asking and answering different questions can help organizations meet constant change with the confidence that comes from thinking and looking ahead.

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