


Where work happens

In 2020, organizations doubled down on their workforce models as a survival strategy. Now, leaders are looking to shift from surviving to thriving and can use lessons learned to construct “superteams” that pair people with technology to rearchitect work in more human ways.

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Superteams: Where work happens

It isn't surprising that new technological advancements are disrupting the world of work. However, the view of how technology fits into work has traditionally been narrowly focused on technology as a tool and enabler. But this approach is starting to change; more organizations are constructing “superteams” that integrate technology as part of the team to fundamentally rearchitect work in more human ways.

In this episode of Deloitte’s Capital H podcast, we’ll hear from Bruce Sanchez, the Global Lead of Sales Learning & Development Technology at Dell, who will share insights around how Dell is pioneering new ways to use technology to redesign work and unlock human potential.

Learning inherently has to become a mindset and a capability that we develop.

Workforce ecosystems: A new strategic approach to the future of work

Workforce ecosystems—comprising internal and external contributors—will be a prime feature of future workplaces. How can organizations adopt an integrated approach to managing their workforces? Our research, part of a multiyear inquiry between MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte into the future of the workforce, offers insights into the future of workforce ecosystems.

Superteams: Where work happens

Organizations doubled down on teaming as a survival strategy during COVID-19. Leaders now have the opportunity to use what they learned to construct “superteams” that pair people with technology to reimagine work. By amplifying humans’ contributions to new and better outcomes, superteams can play an integral part in an organization’s ability to thrive.

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