

Governing workforce strategies

Setting new directions for work and workforce

Today's rapidly changing work environment requires new workforce metrics and governing workforce strategies. In this episode, we’ll hear from leaders at Alexion on how they have developed a successful workforce strategy through cross-functional collaboration and a focus on organizational culture.

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Governing workforce strategies

COVID-19 was a rude awakening that governing workforce strategies using retrospective metrics and measurements describing the workforce’s current state severely limits an organization’s ability to survive disruption—let alone thrive in it. In today’s rapidly changing work environment, organizations must begin to ask fundamentally new questions to find relevant, actionable workforce metrics that can inform bold decisions. In this episode, we’ll hear from leaders at Alexion on how they have developed a successful workforce strategy through cross-functional collaboration and a focus on organizational culture.

We've put a great deal of emphasis on our talent, ensuring that we're bringing in the right skill sets and we continue to grow and develop them in-house to ensure that they're having that overall positive employee experience so that they're motivated and inspired for the patients.

2021 Global Human Capital Trends

Workforce ecosystems: A new strategic approach to the future of work

Workforce ecosystems, comprising internal and external contributors, will be a prime feature of future workplaces. How can organizations adopt an integrated approach to managing their workforces? Our research, part of a multiyear inquiry between MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte into the future of the workforce, offers insights into the future of workforce ecosystems.

Governing workforce strategies: Setting new directions for work and workforce

Asking and answering different questions can help organizations meet constant change with the confidence that comes from thinking and looking ahead.

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