

People management and the new world of work

A conversation with Visier and Deloitte

In this episode, host David Mallon is joined by Visier's Andrea Derler and Deloitte's Eric Bokelberg to discuss using data to make better decisions in today's world of work.

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People management and the new world of work

We are on the verge of a new era in decision making that promises unprecedented access to insights. But how does this new decision intelligence apply to our leaders? In this episode, host David Mallon is joined by Visier's Andrea Derler and Deloitte's Eric Bokelberg to discuss using data to make better decisions in today's world of work.

We are drowning in data, yet really starving of insights. And what I mean by that is we have a lot of data, but what we have seen in our research, what we interpret from the data, is that insights are really rare. So, when I look at that one data point of 70% of executives in our survey, that they would make faster decisions if they had better access to data, I think what they really mean isn’t better access to data, but insights from their data and how to create actionable insights out of that.

—Andrea Derler, Visier

2023 Global Human Capital Trends: Subscribe to receive the report

In an age of instability and profound discontinuity, an unwavering focus on workers and leading through disruption have become top priorities for business leaders. Change is happening faster than ever, and much of it is different from what we expected—making the mission even more challenging. This combination is calling for new ways of thinking to solve human, workforce, and societal problems and position your organization to thrive and adapt to new fundamentals. How are you staying ahead?

Our 2023 Global Human Capital Trends report launching in January 2023 will explore critical trends impacting the world of work in the years to come. Subscribe to receive the report as soon as it’s released.

How to close gender pay gap with people analytics

Closing the gender pay gap? Comp ratios, turnover rates, and manager ratios are clues. Deloitte and Visier explore how people analytics targets this key DEI metric and helps organizations dig deep into their pay structure to close the pay gap faster.

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