
The journey to 2030: Choosing the human agenda

Seven shifts reshaping organizations in a disruptive decade

In this episode, Deloitte’s Yves Van Durme and Gloat’s Jeff Schwartz discuss Deloitte’s recently released report, The journey to 2030: Choosing the human agenda. We dive into the seven business and societal shifts reshaping organizations in a disruptive decade.

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The journey to 2030: Choosing the human agenda

The decade that began in 2020 is not the one people expected and planned for in 2019. The world has been plunged into an age of instability and profound discontinuity that holds both extraordinary opportunities and unprecedented challenges, all while reshaping the business landscape in ways that are deep, structural, and enduring. In this episode, host Burt Rea is joined by Yves Van Durme and Jeff Schwartz from Gloat to discuss Deloitte’s recently released report, The journey to 2030: Choosing the human agenda, diving into the seven shifts reshaping organizations in a disruptive decade.

We get to choose right now. We get to think about what that frame is. And I think that’s what is absolutely fascinating about the journey to 2030, is the decisions we make in the next 12 or 18 or 24 months—certainly between now and the beginning of 2025—will put in motion where we will be in 2030 and what the human agenda and experience is going to be like.

—Jeff Schwartz, Gloat

The path to 2030: Seven shifts and their human agenda implications

The pandemic-driven Great Disruption and Great Resignation have been creating and accelerating seven business and societal shifts that are altering the trajectory of organizations’ human agendas in the run-up to 2030. Some shifts already in progress have accelerated, and other shifts are emerging, and we may anticipate their progression. In all cases, their impacts on the future of work, workforce, and workplace are likely to be disruptive and profound. How business leaders respond to challenges and opportunities in this unstable environment may either immobilize or propel their organizations forward.

The decade ending in 2030 starts in 2022. It is time for HR and business leaders to apply learnings from the past two years to these seven shifts and choose the human agenda to generate organizational resiliency and thrive in a disrupted and disruptive marketplace.

2023 Global Human Capital Trends: Subscribe to receive the report

In an age of instability and profound discontinuity, an unwavering focus on workers and leading through disruption have become top priorities for business leaders. Change is happening faster than ever, and much of it is different from what we expected—making the mission even more challenging. This combination is calling for new ways of thinking to solve human, workforce, and societal problems and position your organization to thrive and adapt to new fundamentals. How are you staying ahead?

Our 2023 Global Human Capital Trends report launching in January 2023 will explore critical trends impacting the world of work in the years to come. Subscribe to receive the report as soon as it’s released.

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