

Health Affairs’ Podcast Series: Research and Justice for All

Understanding the drivers of health with specialist insights and solutions

Delve into the complex world of health equity. The second season of Health Affairs’ Research and Justice For All podcast, sponsored by Deloitte, unravels the intricate web of drivers of health and explores how they can influence health outcomes. Gain insights into how innovative thinkers and leaders are helping address inequities within the health care system and in their communities.

Transformative conversations that spotlight systemic health equity issues

Research and Justice For All is a podcast featuring conversations with researchers, health equity advocates, and health care specialists on inequitable systems affecting health outcomes. In season 2, pediatrician, child and public health advocate, and host Rhea Boyd, MD, MPH, explores social, economic, and environmental conditions shaping health.

The series showcases community-based organizations addressing food insecurity, housing, social connection, and environmental health to affect local health outcomes. The first five episodes feature interviews with guests from organizations collaborating with the Deloitte Health Equity Institute (DHEI). Each episode highlights the adverse effects of inequality and discrimination on health nationwide.







Engage with ideas that inspire action

Health Affairs Editor-in-Chief Alan Weil interviews Dr. Jay Bhatt, managing director, Deloitte Services LP, with the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions and the Deloitte Health Equity Institute. They highlight the upcoming season of Research and Justice For All, which focuses on social drivers of health and the role that Deloitte has played in pursuing health equity goals across the life sciences and health care industry.

Tune in

Related insights from the Deloitte Health Equity Institute

Quantifying upstream drivers of health

Learn how addressing upstream drivers of health can compound improvements in downstream outcomes. This DHEI-authored article delves into the important role of social, economic, and environmental factors in shaping health equity. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of how these factors influence health outcomes and offers strategic insights for effective intervention.

View the article

Bridging health equity gaps: The role of social entrepreneurs

Explore how social entrepreneurs are addressing health disparities by innovation access to essential resources. This report, written by the DHEI, highlights their impactful strategies, emphasizing economic growth and sustainability in advancing health equity.

View the article

Take a deeper dive into drivers of health



Addressing the drivers of health to improve outcomes for everyone

Discover our research, insights, and perspectives on how the drivers of health can affect health outcomes. With better understanding can come better solutions.


Health Equity through Analytics (HExA): Literacy and numeracy

Our three-part education volume examines health equity data and offers actionable takeaways to better understand literacy and numeracy in relationship to chronic condition management, health behaviors, and health care utilization.









Health Equity through Analytics (HExA): Social connectedness

Our two-part volume delves into health benefits of socializing and offers insights to better understand the relationship between social and community networks as determinants of health and how enhanced connectedness can lead to improved health outcomes.


Health Equity through Analytics (HExA): Infrastructure

Learn how housing, commute, and tech can shape health outcomes. Our in-depth analysis explores how infrastructure intersects with other drivers of health.







Get in touch

As you embark on your journey to address drivers of health and advance health equity, reach out to us. Let’s chat about how you might fine-tune your business strategies to improve health outcomes for all.

Jay Bhatt
Managing Director, Deloitte Services LP | The Deloitte Center for Health Solutions and the Deloitte Health Equity Institute

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