An individual’s health is influenced by a continuous and complex intersection of factors. Demystifying the correlation between the social determinants of health and health outcomes could be a key to improving equity across the health ecosystem. Gain a deeper, data-driven understanding of the many drivers of health through our collection of insights, perspectives, and resources.
What are the drivers of health?
Clinical care itself is only one factor that can affect a person's health. Some studies estimate that social, economic, and environmental social determinants of health—or “drivers of health”—can account for 80% of health outcomes, whether positive or negative.1 How we use the term “drivers” reflects a shift from static “determinants” to a focus on how these factors can actively influence health outcomes and underscore the potential for interventions that are intended to enhance well-being.
There's inherent complexity within and between the different drivers of health. Each driver can influence the others, impacting an individual's health and well-being over time. By better understanding each driver, we can employ multidisciplinary strategies to help address gaps in health outcomes.
To start, select a driver of health to learn more about it. And visit this site regularly as we'll continue to release new insights.
The environmental drivers of health, encompassing factors such as access to nutritious food, accessibly built environments, and dependable infrastructure, can play an important role in shaping an individual’s overall health and well-being. Gain additional insight with our perspectives.
From access to housing to internet connectivity to transportation

The intersection of health equity x cloud technology
A collaboration between AWS Social Responsibility & Impact (SRI) and Deloitte, this landscape analysis reveals how cloud technology can help advance health equity worldwide through featured case studies.
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Why the approach to rural health equity needs reexamination
Improved rural health equity can mean better outcomes for all.
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Health equity is becoming a new regulatory reality
Consider how to incorporate a regulatory/compliance strategy into all health equity initiatives.
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Infrastructure law may smooth the road to health equity
Examine three key elements of the law and how new funding could help remove some inequities to help build a healthier nation.
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Food access and security and its importance to health equity

The Food Value Chain x Cloud Technology
Developed by AWS Social Responsibility & Impact (SRI) in collaboration with Deloitte, this report dives into how cloud technology can optimize the North American food value chain. Discover actionable insights and strategies to enhance food security and advance health across the region.
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Fresh food as medicine for the heartburn of high prices
Producers, grocers, and other retailers may find an advantage in connecting consumers to healthy choices.
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Can grocery stores keep their shoppers healthy?
Learn about the unique role grocery stores can play in improving our health.
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Physical environment
Factors like climate change and ZIP code can affect health outcomes

Why climate resilience is key to building the health care organization of the future
Find out how sustainability initiatives can mitigate climate risks while advancing health care equity for all.
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Can health care, life sciences firms help heal the Earth?
Discover some of the steps and strategies companies are taking to become more environmentally conscious.
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On climate change, hospitals move past awareness to action
How are health systems improving sustainability and reducing emissions? Gain insight from a panel of industry leaders.
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The economic drivers of health, encompassing factors such as access to economic growth, funds for basic needs, and secure employment opportunities, can play an important role in shaping an individual’s overall health and well-being. Gain additional insight with our perspectives.
Access to economic growth and job opportunities

Inflation signals unrest ahead for health care
Inflation is affecting US consumers’ ability to afford health care. Learn why this is likely just the start of the industry’s cost and pricing issues.
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Can investors help women’s health break through the glass ceiling?
Our analysis of health tech investment trends reveals an increased focus on women’s health, but challenges remain.
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At $320B a year, we can’t ignore the cost of health inequities
While not everyone may be directly affected by health inequities, the avoidable costs can affect us all.
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From basic needs to wealth accumulation

How can banks better serve people with disabilities, and why the time is now
With equity-centered design, banks can help elevate the financial well-being of people with disabilities.
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From secure employment to employment benefits to meaningful work

2024 outlook for health equity
Explore five factors likely to influence health equity initiatives over the next 12–18 months.
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How employers can spark a movement to help us live longer and healthier lives
All Americans could have longer health spans, live nearly 20 more healthy years, and see a drop in health care spending by 2040.
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Closing the cost gap: Strategies to help advance women’s health equity
Women have disproportionately more out-of-pocket health expenses than men. Discover how the health care ecosystem can help fix this disparity.
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February is American Heart Month and Black History Month
Employers can play an important role in removing health inequities and helping to ensure that their employees stay healthy and productive.
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Where global executives stand on making health equity a business priority
A lack of metrics and evidence of a bottom-line impact could be holding many organizations back, leaders say.
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Health Equity through Analytics: Infrastructure
What are the potential effects of housing, commute, and technology on health outcomes? Find out by unpacking the data in our new report.
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Drive meaningful change and equity of care for all
The US Deloitte Health Equity Institute
Committed to healing. Aspiring to be a catalyst for bold action and positive change.
Explore its impactUnderstanding drivers of health with specialist insights
Sponsored by the Deloitte Health Equity Institute, season two of Health Affairs’ podcast series Research and Justice For All has launched. Tune in to six discussions about overcoming the systemic barriers to health equity.
Listen to the episodesEndnotes
1County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, “County Health Rankings Model,” accessed April 5, 2021; James N. Weinstein et al. (eds.), Communities in Action: Pathways to Health Equity, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2017).
The social drivers of health, encompassing factors such as access to quality education, a dependable community structure, and a safe environment, can play an important role in shaping an individual’s overall health and well-being. Gain additional insight with our perspectives.
From health, digital, and financial literacy to educational opportunities
Health Equity through Analytics: Literacy, numeracy, and health
Our three-part education volume examines data to better understand literacy and numeracy in relationship to chronic condition management, health behaviors, and more.
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Enhancing clinical trial diversity
Explore stakeholder perspectives on advancing research through representative clinical trials.
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Can equity-centered design narrow the digital health divide?
Learn how organizations can provide appropriate technology, infrastructure, and culturally relevant front-door experiences to their members and customers.
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The importance of support systems, including tools, services, and community relationships
Health Equity through Analytics: Social connectedness
Discover the power of social ties in shaping health outcomes. Our two-part volume explores data-rich findings on how human connection and community health are interwoven.
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Broadening research participation through community engagement
Community Health Centers can help increase the diversity and scope of clinical studies—and ultimately, improve patient outcomes.
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Can digital tech and regulators help improve health equity?
Discover how digital health technologies and regulatory frameworks can help address health, especially for underrepresented communities.
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Advancing health through alternative sites of care
Nontraditional sites can enable more convenient, accessible, and equitable care. See how to leverage these settings to meet consumer demands.
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Can virtual health trigger a more equitable Medicaid climate?
Examine some of the barriers that can contribute to health inequities among Medicaid enrollees and how a value-based care model could address some of those challenges.
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Can community-based ecosystems make health more equitable?
This blog highlights the need for more partnerships between health organizations and community groups to make health care more accessible and equitable.
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Broadening clinical trial participation to improve health equity
Community-based organizations can help reach a broader population and enhance clinical trial diversity. Discover how to meet consumers where they are.
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Maternal health inequities persist. Can digital tools be part of the solution?
Explore how advanced technologies can help address the maternal health crisis by enhancing access to care, improving patient engagement, and supporting clinical decision-making.
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How public safety and personal safety can affect health outcomes
Rebuilding trust in health care
What do consumers want—and need—organizations to do?
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