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The importance of organizational culture in M&A

Integrating cultures and bridging differences

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The importance of organizational culture in M&A

Ami Rich and Matt Usdin

Organizational culture shapes how work gets done. And in today’s M&A environment, culture is becoming a more commanding force across the deal lifecycle and a central determinant of whether a transaction succeeds.

On this episode, Deloitte Consulting Principals Ami Rich and Matt Usdin discuss ways culture is transforming the M&A environment and break down the key components of a successful cultural integration. They offer steps leaders can take to approach culture in a way that helps their transaction reach target outcomes as quickly as possible and also explore why cultural considerations are starting to leak into the due diligence phase of M&A deals.

Leveraging similarities and bridging differences is really critical to getting success in a deal, and culture comes to life when those similarities and differences can be recognized, acknowledged, and managed.

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M&A Views podcast series

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