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Industrial Search™: Accelerate your operational decision-making

Search your way to better operations with an AI-powered search engine and data management solution for asset-intensive businesses

Industrial Search™ uses artificial intelligence to help companies and suppliers find relevant information faster during the job—proactively surfacing insights to keep work flowing, pulling relative data from anywhere you want, utilizing contextual inputs to sharpen results, and making sense of sizable amounts of unstructured data.

What’s behind the AI of our Industrial Search™ solution? A quick primer on neural networks

Neural networks are a type of artificial intelligence model that, much like a human brain, can effectively arrange, contextualize, and establish vectors between data while continuously adapting to new inputs. When applied to your data sources (internal and external), your workforce users can get answers to any question in seconds and be empowered to solve problems independently like never before.

Imagine taking the knowledge and expertise that exists within your smartest, most tenured people, layering in previously hidden insights, and making it accessible in real time, on demand. That’s the power of neural networks and an AI-powered search engine working for your industrial operations.

Potential benefits of Industrial Search™

Business benefits

  • Reduce research time: Let your trained models crunch the request for you! Businesses can now accelerate their quotation processes, speed up sourcing of critical parts/products, increase job completion rates, and improve the quality of work being performed with minimally invasive technology.
  • Unlock insights for new customer experiences: As the model learns, so does your enterprise! Analyzing queries and selected results helps your organization gain insights into customer behavior and provides valuable information to better meet their needs in the future.
  • Generate more relevant, timely results and suggested actions by understanding intent: By leveraging your current data and workflow, you can integrate event-based search results to trigger automated work steps in your ERP, CRM, and other applications, allowing for optimized systems and streamlined automation. Make your transactional data work harder for you!
  • Capture more revenue opportunities: Everyone can be doing their best, and revenues can still be lost due to long lead times to respond to customer requests. Shorten the time it takes to estimate and quote so that your bids are the first to get back to the customer. Industrial SearchTM can provide answers to your organization and your customers directly, making it easier for customers to place orders with you.
  • Reduce inventory management costs: By storing past quotes, learning from match results, and assessing contextual information, you can optimize your inventory to align with your customers’ historical purchasing activities and begin to provide them with insights to assist with their planning and materials forecasting.


Technical benefits

  • Scale without infrastructure hassle and costs: Sorting, indexing, storing, and querying multiple siloed or centralized databases can be expensive. However, utilizing Industrial SearchTM to classify relationships and access information quickly can significantly reduce costs and simplify operations.
  • Ingest and comprehend multiple data types: Effortlessly ingest and comprehend diverse data formats, such as spreadsheets, PDFs, emails, images, and more. Stay flexible with a technology that can handle any type of data, even unstructured data.

Simpler integration, improved workflow

Industrial Search provides better information for your customers, suppliers, and employees without requiring an overhaul of existing infrastructure. Our technology integrates with existing systems through an API, so there’s no need to train users on new software or applications.

Users can continue using the software they’re used to while gaining expanded search capabilities. In reality, your workforce shouldn’t be able to detect that anything’s changed—except for the fact that they receive better quality information faster to keep work flowing.


What could your world look like with Industrial Search™?

Inside sales team quoting a customer request

With Industrial SearchTM you can quickly retrieve product matches for a customer’s entire, multi-line bill of material, accelerating the quoting process. Quotation specialists can select the suitable products and then submit the quote to the customer. They can also leverage customer buying patterns to manage inventory and promote relevant deals.

Procurement team needing to source new part

Procurement can source new parts by submitting a query from the office or the field. For example: they can order a replacement oil gauge for the conservator tank on transformers at electric sub-stations by submitting a query such as "Cops tank oil gauge for the transformer at [a specific electric substation]." Industrial SearchTM can help identify the model of the transformer at the electric substation and retrieve the relevant part information.

Worker in the field doing maintenance on an asset

A field worker can quickly find specific maintenance procedure information tied to a particular aspect of an asset, instead of filtering through large amounts of documentation. For example: the worker can submit a query related to the plant equipment maintenance procedure or a fill procedure for a circuit breaker, and Industrial SearchTM can surface the most relevant portion of that procedure within seconds.



Better search and information retrieval is only one component of a strong asset ecosystem strategy

Deloitte offers a holistic vision for how work, resources, and assets are integrated and managed across all phases of the asset management life cycle: plan, acquire/build, operate, maintain, and retire. By cross-pollinating insights and leading practices from an array of asset-intensive industries, Deloitte’s approach helps organizations rapidly drive innovation and efficiently scale execution.

Learn more about how our Asset Ecosystem services can help you harness the power of networks.

Let us show you what Industrial Search™ can do.

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Sandy Jones
Principal, ER&I Asset Ecosystems Leader
Michael Black
Go to Market Leader, Industrial Search
Najeeb Danish
Product Owner, Industrial Search
Vivekananda Maiya
Product Manager, Industrial Search

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