Detonate has been saved
Why—and how—corporations must blow up best practices (and bring a beginner’s mind) to survive
Without meaning to, and often with the best of intentions, many organizations continually waste precious time and money on processes and activities that don't create value and no longer make sense. Until now, the relatively slow speed of marketplace evolution has allowed wasteful habits to continue without consequence. This reality is ending.
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About the book
It’s time to reinvent best practices that have become bad habits within organizations. In Detonate, authors Geoff Tuff and Steven Goldbach explain how organizations build up bad habits, identify which habits masquerade as "best practices," and suggest alternatives that can help win in the marketplace.
With optimism and empowerment, Detonate is a business book that focuses on an approach and mindset critical to successfully competing in an era characterized by profound technological advances and uncertainty.
- Core themes challenge how to think about and approach problems
- Case studies illustrate common challenges and how to overcome them
- Pragmatic recommendations steer clear of a brand-new, complicated wiring diagram
- Actionable advice provides the first steps down an evolutionary path to success
When you have a nagging feeling that the “way we’ve always done it” is actually a waste of time—and possibly value-destroying—Detonate helps you disrupt the status quo and ignite change at your organization.
Order Detonate TODAY.
NOW AVAILABLE: A new book from bestselling authors Geoff Tuff and Steve Goldbach, “Provoke: How Leaders Shape the Future by Overcoming Fatal Human Flaws”. They explain why we are prone to inaction when faced with uncertainty, and provide solutions for how to overcome these fatal human flaws. They also provide inspiration from the field with profiles of three serial provocateurs.
DO SOMETHING–Order your copy today.

Order Detonate TODAY.
Detonate your best practices
Detonate's authors dig into seven specific “normal operating procedures” that businesses should discontinue and replace with new practices.
- Financial forecasting and budgeting too often
optimizes for a spreadsheet outcome rather thana desired business outcome. - The underlying purpose of strategic planning gets lost as the process becomes templatized and routinized around an annual calendar.
- Syndicated data gives us insights that are readily available to our competitors and fools us into thinking we have an advantage.
- Traditional insight generation relies too much on information that is prone to self-reporting bias.
- Most risk management systems—and in particular stage-gate systems—have lost sight of their purpose in favor of process adherence.
- Somehow along the way some notions about not just risk tolerance but celebrating failure have taken root.
- Org charts and career paths have created the perception of permanence—one of the critical enablers of best-practice orthodoxy.
In discovering Detonate, you learn how to:
- Spot activities and “orthodoxies” that add no value or even destroy value, and act with confidence to call them into question
- Bring to your business new ways of thinking and acting based on lessons from successful companies competing effectively in the digital age
- Identify within your organization where to experiment with new practices without unduly threatening the immediate operating performance of your core business
- Spread the word and help others discover a new, more fulfilling way of operating
Light the fuse to ignite change—order your copy today.
Praise for Detonate
Detonate will open your eyes to see the processes, policies, and organizational practices that have outlived their usefulness to customers, employees, and investors. Steve and Geoff give us new ways of operating logically that better align with the fast-changing requirements of our future “everything is digital” world.
– Lowell McAdam, Chairman and CEO, Verizon Communications
Tuff and Goldbach build a compelling case for why conventional wisdom and “best practices” are the surest way to get average results. If you truly aspire for outstanding, leadership results, the words you never want to hear are “that’s the way we’ve always done it.” The authors of this book explain how to “blow up” practices that companies adopt to reduce risk and, in doing so, renew your business and your organization. A must-read for any business leader!
– Chip Bergh, President and CEO, Levi Strauss & Co
In a fast-changing, disruptive world, Detonate provides great insight to how you need to transform the behavior of your organization to innovate and stay competitive. Most organizations are trapped in the pursuit of best practices and risk avoidance. This is a book for leaders.
– Mark Costa, Chairman and CEO, Eastman Chemical Company.
Detonate is rooted in the real world of human behavior, unlike so many of the practices that organizations adopt out of risk avoidance and maintain out of shear bureaucratic entropy. Tired of textbook thinking? this book challenges conventional wisdom and provides paradigm-shifting solutions.
– Tony Ciepiel, Chief Operating Officer, Vita-Mix Corporation
The authors have been helping organizations "blow up" some of their best practices for a long time. They know what they're talking about because they've seen it. They have been able to boil down successfully what they know into a readable and useful volume.
– Ofra Strauss, Chairperson of the Board, Strauss Group
Practical advice for business leaders on innovation and growth
Insights from Geoff Tuff on Huffington Post