Deloitte at the Smart City Expo World Congress



Smart City Expo World Congress 2022

Driving sustainable urban transformation

Deloitte is proud to be a Global Partner at the Smart City Expo World Congress 2022 (SCEWC22), the world’s leading event for cities and smart urban solutions.

Smart City Expo World Congress, the world’s leading event for smart urban solutions, gathers leaders from the most innovative companies, governments, and organizations to move cities towards a better future. Taking place in tandem with Tomorrow.Mobility World Congress, this year’s Smart City Expo promises a dynamic exchange of ideas on a reaching more sustainable urban landscapes.

Deloitte at SCEWC

At this year’s Smart City Expo, connect with Deloitte to learn about how we are making an impact that matters in communities across the globe. Our urban transformation leaders can share insights on trends and issues within the urban ecosystem and how to drive value around the following key areas:

  • Infrastructure & Buildings
  • Future of Mobility
  • Energy & Waste
  • Living & Health
  • Governance
  • Sustainability
  • Cyber
  • 5G

Deloitte sessions

Tuesday, 15 Nov 2022 Wednesday, 16 Nov 2022
  • SCEWC 2022

  • Deloitte Booth Talks

Practical Digital Innovation or Just More Tech Hype?
Solution Talk

Venue: Congress Area - Mobility Room
Time: 11.00-11.30

• Gareth Macnaughton, Innovation Director, EIT Urban Mobility

• Harald Proff, Global Automotive Sector Leader, Deloitte
• Josep Laborda, CEO, Factual Consulting
• Lucie Kirstein, Scientific Advisor,  Acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering
• Alex Pazuchanics, Head of Policy & Partnerships, Vianova

Staying Resilient Ahead of Risks
Thematic Roundtable

Venue: Congress Area - Red Room
Time: 11.50-12.35

• Marta Fernandez Bertos, Executive Director, RMIT Europe

• Rana Sen, Assets and Alliances, Sustainability, Climate, and Equity, Global Leader, Deloitte
• Anniina Autero, Head of Project, City of Tampere, Finland
• Amaya Celaya, Nature Based Solutions Expert, European Commission – Urban Innovative Actions
• Mike Witzman, Director, System Engineering, Cisco

Infrastructure Shaping Cities for the Better
High-Level Roundtable

Venue: Congress Area - Auditorium
Time: 15.45-16.30

• Martha Thorne, Distinguished Professor, IE University of Architecture and Design, Spain

• Michael Flynn, Global Infrastructure, Transport & Regional Government Leader, Deloitte
• Angela Heise, Worldwide Public Sector, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft
• Benedetta Tagliabue, Founder and CEO, Benedetta Tagliabue – EMBT Architects
• Matthias Schuler, Founder, Transsolar

Connected Cities Make It Further
High-Level Roundtable

Venue: Congress Area - Auditorium
Time: 18.00-18.50

• Natalia Olson-Urtecho, Director, Plug and Play Tech Center

• Miguel Eiras Antunes, Global Smart Cities & Urban Transformation Leader, Deloitte
• Jaanika Merilo, Advisor to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation Government of Ukraine
• Ferry Chung, Vice President, Asia Pacific Japan and Global Digital Cities, Dell Technologies
• Reem Asaad, Vice President and MEA Theater Leader, Cisco
• Catalina Grimalt, Deputy General Manager of Organization and Internal Resources, Port de Barcelona

Moving towards the Future of Auto Mobility in 2035

Venue: Deloitte Booth
Time: 11.00–11.30

• Sebastian Pfeifle, Global Automotive Mobility Leader, Deloitte

• Klaus Entenmann, Ex-CEO, Daimler Mobility AG
• Andy Zhou, China Automotive Leader, Deloitte
• Raul Aran, SCM Lead for Manufacturing Madrid, Deloitte

Building Trusted & Cyber Secure Connected Ecosystem

Venue: Deloitte Booth
Time: 11.30–12.00

• Frederico Macias, Global Risk Advisory Technology, Media, and Telecommunications Leader, Deloitte
• Piyush Pandey, Global & US Smart Cities Cyber Leader, Deloitte

Smart Territory Framework - Foundations for Smart Territories

Venue: Deloitte Booth
Time: 12.00–12.30

• Ali Benfattoum, IoT & Smart Cities Evangelist, AWS

How Deloitte is simplifying municipal transformation with Oracle CITYKIT

Venue: Deloitte Booth
Time: 15.00–15.30

• Bobbi Stillwell, Deloitte’s Canada Oracle Practice Leader, Deloitte

Beyond the company car: The emergence of Corporate MaaS

Venue: Deloitte Booth
Time: 15.30–16.00

• Paulo Santos, Founder & CEO, Ubirider
• Ricardo Martins, Smart Cities & Urban Transformation, Associate Partner, Deloitte

Future of Mobility in 2035

Venue: Deloitte Booth
Time: 16.00–16.30

• Ingo Schmuckall, Automotive Mobility Leader, Deloitte
• Klaus Entenmann, Ex-CEO, Daimler Mobility AG
• Sebastian Pfeifle, Global Automotive Mobility Leader, Deloitte

Thursday, 17 Nov 2022

Client stories

Here is how we and have helped urban areas around the world advance their journey toward becoming a smart city:

Assets & Solutions

Find us

You can find Deloitte at stand D171 near the Central Plaza.


“Moving from an urban living to a more human living.”

Key contacts

Miguel Eiras Antunes

Global Smart Cities & Urban Transformation Leader
+351 210 427 542

Michael Flynn

Global Infrastructure, Transport & Regional Government Leader
+353 14172515

Request a meeting with our urban transformation leaders

Request a meeting

Michael Flynn

Global Infrastructure, Transport & Regional Government Leader

Miguel Eiras Antunes

Global Smart Cities & Urban Transformation Leader

Sérgio Carvalho

Smart Cities Tech Architect

Alfredo Molina Ledesma

LATAM Infrastructure & Capital Projects Leader & World Economic Forum Fellow

Request a meeting

Miguel Eiras Antunes

Global Smart Cities & Urban Transformation Leader

Harald Proff

Global Automotive Sector Leader

Fumikazu Kitagawa

Japan Smart Cities Leader

Sebastian Pfeifle

Global Automotive Mobility Leader

Jordi Llido

Spain Automotive Industry Sector Leader

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Sofia Tenreiro

Portugal Energy, Resources & Industrials Sector Leader

Ricardo Martins

Smart Cities & Urban Transformation, Associate Partner

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Stephanie Allen

Global Health & Social Services Sector Leader

Fumikazu Kitagawa

Japan Smart Cities Leader

Joaquim Oliveira

Health & Human Services, Associate Partner

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Beth McGrath

Global Government and Public Services Industry Leader

Miguel Eiras Antunes

Global Smart Cities & Urban Transformation Leader

Tsuyoshi Kono

Japan Government and Public Services Leader

Jean Barroca

Global Public Sector Digital Modernization & Synergy General Manager

Tarek Nahle

Smart Cities Middle East Leader

Josep Palet

Spain Government and Public Services Industry Leader

Andy Potter

Canada Public Sector Analytics Services Leader

Bobbi Stillwell

Deloitte’s Canada Oracle practice Leader

Felix Dinnessen

Germany Government and Public Services Industry Leader

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Bevin Arnason

Global Consulting Sustainability & Climate Leader – Commercial

Kishore Rao

Global Consulting Sustainability & Climate Leader

Rana Sen

Assets and Alliances, Sustainability, Climate and Equity, Global Leader

Leon Pieters

Global Consumer Industry Leader

Fumikazu Kitagawa

Japan Smart Cities Leader

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Srini Subramanian

Global Risk Advisory GPS Leader

Frederico Macias

Global Risk Advisory Technology, Media, and Telecommunications Leader

Piyush Pandey

Global & US Smart Cities Cyber Leader

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Craig Wigginton

Global 5G and Edge Computing Leader

Brian Greenberg

Government and Public Services 5G/Edge Leader

Thought Leadership

Global Transport Trends 2022

The trends shaping transportation of the future

To be launched soon

Global Future of Mobility Study

Deloitte’s newest publication “Future of Automotive Mobility” examines the key shifts in the industry towards 2035 which will fundamentally change the business models of mobility providers, such as captives, fleet management, and rental companies

To be launched soon

2022 Japan Consumer Survey on Next-Generation Automobiles

Consumers' ideal specifications of PHEV/EV are not an ‘empty wish’. It is quite likely that Next-Gen automobile markets will grow in Japan soon

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Automotive suppliers: preparing for transformation

Change is coming: Deloitte presents insights into business trends and strategic options in the automotive supplier industry

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From challenge to advantage: Supply Network Optimization

Addressing automotive supply chain issues with innovative network design principles

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2022 Global Automotive Consumer Study: Tracking key trends in the automotive industry

Insights of the automotive industry

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Value recovery in the automotive industry

A looking at how auto companies can capitalise on assets that will not be part of their core business in the coming decade

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Global State of the Customer Tracker

Deloitte Consumer Industry Center’s online panel survey explores the current consumer mindset to better understand the implications for an ever-evolving post-pandemic world

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Regulating the future of mobility: Balancing innovation and the public good in autonomous vehicles, shared mobility, and beyond

The ecosystem of companies working in and around mobility

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Preserving Privacy in AI-Applications

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is powered by data, so access to a great amount of it is key to unlock the full potential of AI

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From vehicle ownership to usage-based subscription models

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Driving Operational Excellence at Automotive Captives

The future belongs to those who excel in operating efficient businesses

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Forget the wheel: Reinventing vehicle interiors for an autonomous future

An imaginative vision of what our cars would be

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Urban Future with a Purpose

12 trends Shaping the Future of Cities

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2022 Connectivity and mobile trends Mastering the new digital life

Consumers are using connected devices to enhance their daily lives and well-being while fine-tuning the balance between their virtual and physical worlds

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2022 Digital media trends, 16th edition: Toward the metaverse

How social and gaming experiences compete head-to-head with video for consumers’ attention

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How to lead digital transformation from the top

A practical guide for CEOs facing the challenge of transforming their organizations through digital technology

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Reweaving the social safety net

Building modern, responsive social protections

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Transforming Social Care

Moving beyond “better, faster, and cheaper”

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How government can deliver streamlined life event experiences

The transformational potential of life event services in government

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Advancing health equity through community-based ecosystems

Stronger partnerships can help health systems address drivers of health and create a world in which everyone thrives

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The Deloitte Health Equity Institutes

Get to know Deloitte’s DHEI, Institutes dedicated to advancing health equity through an array of cross-sector collaborations, philanthropic investments, and research activity

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Health Equity Strategy Playbook

The steps an organization can take to define their health equity strategy to drive change and impact in the communities in which they serve

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The future of the public’s health

Reimagining the health ecosystem: Programs, policies, and systems for strengthening public health

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The Future of Human Services

Insights on the future of human services in the 21st century: challenges, models and transformations

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Global State of the Customer Tracker

Deloitte Consumer Industry Center’s online panel survey explores the current consumer mindset to better understand the implications for an ever-evolving post-pandemic world

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Advancing health through alternative sites of care

Nontraditional sites can enable more convenient, accessible, and equitable care. See how to leverage these settings to meet consumer demands

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Smart cities, smarter public health

According to Deloitte research, lessons learned from the pandemic are accelerating the evolution of urban environments across the globe for the betterment of residents’ health and well-being

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Urban Future with a Purpose

12 trends Shaping the Future of Cities

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