Ariel view of inner cityscapes


Public Infrastructure and Capital Projects

Building and maintaining America's infrastructure—taking a lifecycle view

United States’ airports, water treatment facilities, bridges, roads, electric grid, and rail have been on government agendas for major improvements, but funding gaps and project inefficiencies continually hinder progress. As funding and financing options become available, government organizations will need to prioritize and find innovative financing approaches, leverage new and smart technologies, and better manage projects.

See how Deloitte Infrastructure & Capital Projects is helping clients respond to the pandemic at our COVID-19 impact portal.

Transportation infrastructure and COVID-19: A moment that matters

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused sharp drops in employment and economic growth and triggered widespread disruption of the economy. This has created unprecedented demand- and supply-side disruptions with serious impacts to households, businesses, and state and local governments. Affected on most fronts, state and local government agencies are facing huge revenue shortfalls, economic slowdown, overstretched health systems, and a concerned workforce.

Transportation Infrastructure and COVID-19

Services for rethinking how government builds infrastructure

Deloitte advises government clients on new techniques to analyze, prioritize, finance, and enable greater visibility into government infrastructure projects to drive improvements in cost, schedule, and delivery quality. Project and portfolio prioritization, program funding, technology, smart infrastructure, and governance and delivery are the major pillars providing a framework to services offered by Deloitte to government organizations.

Advancing asset management

Organizations with large capital asset and facility portfolios often retain maintenance programs with ever-growing budgets and substantial backlogs. Traditionally, these maintenance programs can frequently be reactive to failures or executed at pre-planned time intervals, leading to unplanned shutdowns and inefficient use of resources. Learn how predictive maintenance on government assets can help reduce costs versus time-based strategies, allowing decision makers to re-prioritize available funds.

BIM in infrastructure projects

2017 report on business value and benefits of building information modeling (BIM)
A report published by Dodge Data & Analytics, sponsored by Deloitte, and produced in conjunction with AutoDesk, explores the growing use of BIM in infrastructure projects. Learn more about the benefits of BIM and the positive ROI organizations are realizing.

Learn more about BIM in infrastructure projects.

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Liquified natural gas market brief

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, global gas markets have faced dramatic demand shocks, which have depressed global gas prices and increased the global oversupply of liquified natural gas (LNG). Learn more about how these volatile market movements have challenged the economics of greenfield LNG investments.

Liquified natural gas market brief

Get in touch

Avi Schwartz

Avi Schwartz

Principal | Risk & Financial Advisory

Avi is a Risk & Financial Advisory principal in Deloitte Transactions and Business Analytics LLP and leads the Infrastructure and Capital Projects practice for Government & Public Services. He has mor... More

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