

Financial services cloud computing regulation

Cloud security risk management principles

Financial services institutions increased reliance on cloud service providers (CSPs) and the critical roles CSPs often play to support their operations have increased certain risks and created new risks to manage. This page provides news, strategies, and insights to help institutions manage cloud computing risks and regulations.

FFIEC statement on risk management for cloud computing services | May 21, 2020

On April 30, 2020, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), on behalf of the bank regulators issued a joint statement to address the use of cloud computing services and security risk management principles in the financial services industry. The statement represents a continuation of increased regulatory attention and oversight of cloud computing within the industry. The recommendations within the statement represent close alignment with other global regulators and encourage financial services institutions (FSIs) to consider their risk management practices as it relates to usage of the cloud in the domains of:

  • Information security;
  • Business continuity planning;
  • Third-party risk management;
  • Privacy and data protection; and
  • Record retention practices

While the widespread adoption of cloud computing by FSIs have led to many benefits, the increased reliance on cloud service providers (CSPs) and the critical roles CSPs often play to support their operations, have also increased certain risks and created new risks for these FSIs to manage. The statement recognizes that regulatory expectations have been heightened for increased risk management and enhanced cloud computing controls that are not only the responsibility of the FSI but are shared responsibilities between the FSIs and the CSPs; however, the ultimate responsibility lies with the FSI, particularly when safeguarding customer information. Recognizing the statement does not specifically prescribe any new requirements, it is intended to reinforce considerations that are recognized by the banking regulators by highlighting the following:

  • Application of sufficient oversight and governance of the CSP(s)
  • Clearly defined roles and responsibilities, control ownership matrices between the FSI and the CSP (as well as governance of the FSI over the CSP), and level of oversight and monitoring procedures to ensure effectiveness
  • Balancing of benefits of cloud computing while weighing the costs and requirements to operate within risk tolerance levels and mitigating factors (as necessary)

Learn more about the FFIEC’s recommendations and what steps FSI should consider to shore up their risk management practices as it relates to cloud computing.

FFIEC statement on risk management for cloud computing services

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Let's talk

Vikram Bhat
Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory
Deloitte & Touche LLP

Sunil Kapur
Managing director

Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory
Deloitte & Touche LLP

Sean Hodgkinson
Senior manager

Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory
Deloitte & Touche LLP

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