
Governance, Regulatory, and Risk Strategies

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Organizations are under unrelenting pressure to realize strategic objectives and achieve improved profitability despite growing pressure from increasing regulatory activity. Deloitte can help you create and protect value and enhance effective management of governance, regulatory, and compliance risks on a sustained basis. We offer the experience, knowledge and tools to help you anticipate the changing regulatory landscape and prepare your enterprise for success.

Center for Regulatory Strategies

The Deloitte Center for Regulatory Strategies, part of the Governance, Regulatory, and Risk Strategies market offering, provides deep knowledge and practical insight into regulatory matters. With the increasing complexity of regulations and continued convergence of issues, we offer direct access to a deep roster of experienced industry and regulatory and compliance specialists, many of whom are former regulators. Our professionals will work closely with you to help develop a clear and implementable strategy to meet current and future regulatory challenges while better positioning your organization for success.

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Enterprise Compliance Services

Enterprise compliance is a centralized, coordinated approach to ethics and compliance program design and assessment that cuts across multiple business units within an organization. A programmatic approach, built from the top down, enterprise compliance focuses on the specific risks the organization faces.

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Managed Risk

Deloitte introduces a new perspective for energy-intensive industries to provide a structured framework to mitigate commodity risk exposure and meet corporate objectives. Deloitte’s Managed Risk solution provides energy and resources companies with a structured approach to address two fundamental issues associated with hedge programs and their interdependence: understanding the risk to financial goals caused by volatile commodities, and adopting a lucid hedge structure to protect those goals. Deloitte’s Managed Risk solution also incorporates the industry’s regulatory and compliance requirements, and the complexities and nuances of financial reporting for the energy industry.

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LSHC Regulatory Services

LSHC Regulatory Services (LSHC RS) helps clients analyze, prepare for, prioritize, and respond to risks and opportunities associated with changes in the regulatory environment. By staying engaged in what is happening in Washington, DC, we are able to bring unique insights to clients about the current and future regulatory environment and how regulatory changes might affect their company’s business and the larger health care marketplace.  

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