tax technology podcast series


Deloitte Tax + Tech podcast series

Tapping into leading insights

Tax technology advances so rapidly it can be hard to keep up. The Deloitte Tax + Tech podcast series navigates the tax technology landscape through conversations with Deloitte leaders to help you chart your tax department’s digital future.

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The Power of With: AI in the tax function

Emily VanVleet and Beth Mueller

Beyond the sci-fi movies, what is the current state of artificial intelligence and what are its applications for the tax department? Is it an opportunity for the future, or are there real use cases that can help achieve efficiencies and data gains today? In this episode, Deloitte Tax AI and Analytics leader Beth Mueller discusses what AI can look like for tax and how to start developing practical plans for implementation.

Efficiency is certainly one of the first value drivers for AI. The second is insights. When we solve for those, we move tax closer to becoming a valued business partner within the organization, with data available on a real-time basis and the ability to really enable decisions to be made with tax consequences informed.

⁠—Beth Mueller

The virtual tax department: Navigating remote work

Emily VanVleet and David Landers

COVID-19 is reshaping our world and the tax technology landscape is no exception. How are tax departments faring under the rapid shift to remote, virtual work? And what opportunities does this present for technology implementation? In this episode, Deloitte Tax LLP partner and leader of the myInsight client edition platform, David Landers discusses how tax departments are quickly adapting and rising to new challenges.

The investment in technology or process standardization has always been a cost-benefit analysis and what this crisis has higlighted is that decisions made in the past about what's the return on investment, may have changed.

⁠—David Landers

Shaping the VAT landscape with next-gen tech

Emily VanVleet and Ronnie Dassen

With technology revolutionizing mundane tax processes like invoicing and reporting, many multinationals, the OECD and governments are trying to stay in lock step to create and adapt to new VAT standards.

In this episode, Deloitte’s own Ronnie Dassen, Global Indirect Tax lead, offers key insights into how these new digital tools are shaping the current VAT space. In addition, he explores how companies are shifting to hybrid tax operating models with both in-house and third-party resources.

I always try to impress on my clients that it is really important to keep track of what the bigger picture is and try to develop and design towards a solution that gives you insight and access to that broader data set that allows you to flex into future VAT developments and legislation.

⁠—Ronnie Dassen

Indirect tax landscape: Evolving technology response

Emily VanVleet, Lindsay McAfee, and Holly Hamby

After recent changes to the indirect tax landscape in the United States, driven by Wayfair and marketplace legislation, companies have faced a variety of technology challenges. In this episode, Lindsay McAfee, Deloitte multistate tax senior manager, and Holly Hamby, tax management consulting managing director, discuss what these changes really mean for companies and how they’re responding to new requirements. In addition, they explore what’s next for companies and the role technology and automation can play to increase efficiency.

There are 46 states plus District of Columbia that imposes a state level sales tax, there are several thousand jurisdictions that also impose their own type of sales tax or transaction tax on top of that, so it can be very tough to even know where you might have the responsibility, where do you have an access, what are the rules in having access, what is the taxability on top of that and it's not just those two things.

⁠—Lindsay McAfee

Tax and business alignment: Progress on evolving technology

Emily VanVleet and Jen Knickerbocker

Tax departments have been so immersed in compliance and reporting that they have had trouble aligning with their business’s priority of using tax technologies to see what’s around the corner. In this episode, Deloitte Tax LLP partner Jen Knickerbocker discusses tax departments’ progress in partnering with the business, as reported in interviews with CFOs and CAOs. In addition, she describes three areas in which tax could provide even more value to the business.

Evolving technology is going to be absolutely critical to interpret those increasing data volumes and be able to draw clarity from ambiguity. Make sure the plan you have is agile enough to accommodate the impact of all the changing factors on the horizon.

—Jen Knickerbocker

The data forward tax department: Efficiency with insight

Emily VanVleet and Brad Ford

Data has the power to enable automation and yield new tax insights. But how can tax departments leverage data management to improve processes and outcomes? And what role does emerging tax technology play? In this tax podcast, Deloitte Tax LLP partners Emily VanVleet and Brad Ford take a closer look at using data to fuel tax transformation and discuss a three-step data management strategy that can help departments boost efficiency and drive new ways of working.

This is something that has been a dream of mine for a long time. We’re finally in a spot where data can really drive us through a process. It’s data first, then the process second.

—Brad Ford

Data wrangling: The new frontier in tax department automation

Emily VanVleet, RJ Littleton, and Craig Darrah

Data wrangling tools have the potential to play a huge role in tax transformation—but what are the best ways to use them? And how can these tools work alongside traditional methods? In this tax podcast, Deloitte Tax LLP partners Emily VanVleet and RJ Littleton, along with managing director Craig Darrah, discuss what data wrangling is, how to build these tools out, and what it takes to deploy a new tax technology.

I think from a time to value perspective these types of automations and solutions are going to be drastically quicker than your typical tax compliance or consolidation tool or any other big platform that you are implementing.

—RJ Littleton

Data in demand: The role of cloud ERP in tax transformation

Emily VanVleet and Ravi Gupta

With heightened reporting expectations from tax authorities and increasing demand for business insight from C-suites, real-time data is a critical tax technology need. Deloitte Tax LLP partners Emily VanVleet and Ravi Gupta discuss on our latest tax podcast how cloud ERP migration presents an opportunity to tailor data for greater tax insights, focusing in this podcast, as it relates to Oracle’s new cloud ERP platform.

Once you have real-time data—once you have clean, consumable data—you’re saving a lot of time in your tax department in manipulating, validating the data and putting those hours in value-added activities.

—Ravi Gupta

Migration to SAP S/4HANA: A rare opportunity for tax

Emily VanVleet and Scott Shafer

The next generation of ERP platforms is here. Deloitte Tax LLP partner Emily VanVleet and Deloitte Global SAP Tax Alliance leader and Deloitte Tax LLP Partner Scott Shafer break down the current and future state of tax functionality in the SAP environment, and why there’s a potentialhuge opportunity for tax to make its mark on the upcoming migration.

As we layer in some of the tax value proposition components … it really raises the visibility of tax. Tax becomes a real critical part of the company’s overall business case and we have seen that typically be one of the top components of the business case, if not the top component of a business case.

—Scott Shafer

Tax and the future of work: What will your tax department look like?

Emily VanVleet and Jeff Butt

The tax department of today will likely be unrecognizable tomorrow. Deloitte Tax LLP partner Emily VanVleet and Deloitte Canada senior manager Jeff Butt explore the intersection of talent and technology and how successfully bringing them together is essential for the future.

The human dimension is critical to grasping this idea of Power of With. It is not just enough to implement the best technologies in the world. In order to really optimize them, you need to consider and plan for the impact to your talent.

—Jeff Butt

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The podcasts contains general information only and Deloitte is not, by means of the podcasts, rendering accounting, business, financial, investment, legal, tax, or other professional advice or services. The podcasts are not a substitute for such professional advice or services, nor should it be used as a basis for any decision or action that may affect your business. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your business, you should consult a qualified professional advisor. Deloitte shall not be responsible for any loss sustained by any person who relies on the podcasts.

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