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Multistate Tax Services

Learn more about our services

Our Multistate Tax team at Deloitte strives to deliver integrated tax approaches that align with your overall business objectives. We are committed to helping you manage the broad range of complex state and local tax issues at all stages of a company’s life cycle—from initial registrations to complex mergers and acquisitions transactions—providing insight based on our technical experience and wide-ranging industry backgrounds.

Deloitte’s Multistate Tax Services integrates tax technology with business acumen to deliver collaborative and transformative tax approaches that align with your overall business objectives. We are committed to helping you navigate the broad range of complex state and local tax issues at all stages of a company’s lifecycle—from initial registrations to complex mergers and acquisitions transactions—providing insight based on our technical experience and wide ranging industry backgrounds. Our team includes more than 1,500 professionals drawn from a mix of accounting, legal, industry, technology, and state government backgrounds. We have significant experience with state and local jurisdictions in all 50 states. Combine that with our focus on quality, integrity, entrepreneurialism, and client service and you’ll be teaming with leading tax professionals in the state and local tax marketplace.

National Multistate Tax Services

Virtually every business decision has a tax consequence. Now, more than ever, companies with operations in multiple jurisdictions have reason to keep the big picture in view when it comes to state taxation. There are many ripple effects from a tax perspective when a company complies with federal and state law requirements outside of the tax arena. Our National Multistate Tax Services team can help align your business objectives and strategies with a thorough multistate tax posture.

Read more National Multistate Tax Services.

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US Indirect Tax

Deloitte’s Indirect Tax practice delivers high-value consulting, controversy, compliance, and recovery services involving a wide array of indirect taxes including:

  • Sales and use taxes
  • Property Tax
  • Federal and state excise taxes (e.g., fuel tax, medical device tax, airline ticket tax)
  • Business & occupation taxes
  • Gross receipts and privilege taxes
  • Telecom and utility taxes
  • Severance taxes
  • Value added taxes
  • Unclaimed property taxes

In a rapidly evolving business environment, taxing jurisdictions struggle to apply antiquated tax laws to today’s emerging technologies and evolving services. Deloitte Tax’s Multistate Tax group has a team of indirect tax professionals across its network of member firms specializing in indirect tax services. Drawing upon our in-depth knowledge of each jurisdiction’s tax laws, coupled with data analytics and other technology-based services, we offer distinct insights regarding how these laws apply to companies in various industries. Our professionals represent a mix of accounting, legal, industry, and state government backgrounds.

Read more about US Indirect Tax.

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Multistate Tax Controversy Services

Every tax controversy is unique; almost all are urgent and inconvenient for the involved parties. Precisely for these reasons, Deloitte Multistate Tax Controversy Services provides a team and a solution tailored specifically to each client’s controversy, drawing from our network of highly experienced, knowledgeable subject matter specialists from diverse backgrounds including:

  • Former state tax litigators from law firms
  • Former state tax agency and audit staff
  • Private industry tax controversy executives
  • Controversy technology specialists 

In addition, our collective experience, close working relationships, credibility, and familiarity with tax agency teams and decision-makers across the country enables us to quickly assess the situation, establish a tailored solution, and work efficiently and effectively towards a resolution.

We keenly understand the importance of key internal communications and managing expectations. We can help in-house tax professionals keep executives informed throughout the process by explaining the administrative procedures, outlining the options and strategies for achieving a resolution, and discussing protections established to limit future controversies. We also offer automated management reporting for clients signed onto our web-based Tax Controversy Manager.

Read more about Multistate Tax Controversy Services.

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Washington National Tax—Multistate

The Multistate Tax Services Washington National Tax practice (WNT-Multistate) is comprised of senior practitioners with deep technical and practical subject matter knowledge that is integral to Deloitte Tax’s ability to deliver world-class state tax consulting services. Working in conjunction with our other Washington National Tax competencies (e.g., Subchapter C, Passthoughs, International Tax, and Transfer Pricing), the State Desk team (see below for more on the Desk), and our local office practitioners, WNT-Multistate functions as the central repository for firm-wide leading practices and potential cutting-edge multistate tax opportunities.

WNT-Multistate also works diligently to keep our clients abreast of the latest multistate tax developments through tax publications (e.g., State Tax Matters), timely state tax alerts, client conference calls, briefings, webcasts, and special events.

Jurisdictional Technical Leads - This team is comprised of designated, jurisdiction-specific technical and controversy specialists across all tax types who provide advisory assistance on complex state tax technical issues.

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Multistate Tax ASC 740 Assistance Services

Developing a sensible approach for the accurate and efficient preparation of a multistate income tax provision is an important responsibility for our clients. Companies with a large state and local tax footprint face significant complexity and challenges managing the financial reporting process for numerous state and local taxing jurisdictions considering the variability in the applicable tax law from one jurisdiction to the next. Managing the complexity requires a thoughtful analysis of tax law, your company’s business and materiality. Deloitte's Multistate Tax ASC 740 assistance team can assist a company in analyzing significant issues and developing a sensible approach to address them.

Read more about ASC 740 Assistance Services.

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Multistate Tax M&A Competency group

Mergers, acquisitions, and disposition transactions may take many forms — from the acquisition of stock or assets to the disposition of a division, an IPO or a recapitalization — and they all require a thoughtful analysis of the state tax issues, opportunities, risk and compliance requirements. Deloitte's Multistate Tax M&A Competency group can help analyze the critical issues and develop effective approaches to address your needs.

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State Income, Franchise, and Gross Receipt Services

State income, franchise, and gross receipts taxes are a constantly moving target. Rules vary widely among the states, which are becoming more creative in their attempts to increase their tax base with some state and local tax rates increasing to more than 10 percent. We are also seeing substantial changes in nexus and apportionment rules, and a choice by some states to replace their tax systems with gross receipts tax regimes. The compliance and accounting for these changes can be cumbersome. Too often these complexities become a drain on tax department resources and company profits. Deloitte can help.

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State NOL Insight

Deloitte’s State NOL Insight solution is an intuitive, web-interfaced, database-powered solution that captures a taxpayer’s state net operating loss-related data and uses that data flexibility for tax planning, compliance and provision purposes. State NOL Insight has been developed by state tax net operating loss and technology specialists to help tax professionals take control over their company’s state NOLs—providing increased transparency into a company’s state NOL balances, mitigating risk through the use of a database driven platform, and improving the ability to plan in regards to state NOL limitations, utilization and expirations.

Learn more about our State NOL Insight.

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Meet our leader

Sarah E. Murray, JD

Sarah E. Murray, JD

Deloitte Tax LLP

Sarah is a principal in Deloitte’s Multistate Tax Services practice and leads the team of 2,500 professionals in the US and India. Prior to taking on this role, Sarah led the National Multistate Tax S... More