

Implementing AI across the enterprise 

How to scale GenAI responsibly

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to reshape the technology landscape at a rapid pace and technology leaders are tasked with harnessing the power of it at scale for the enterprise. But how can organizations implement AI, specifically Generative AI, responsibly while creating business value? Tune in to this episode of User Friendly to hear more.

User Friendly: Scaling GenAI for the enterprise

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“You know, the thing that everybody wants more of and never has enough of is more time. The time to grow your skills, time to learn, time to be curious, time to engage in deep individual work. There’s a chronic shortage of time in the workday. And so AI, I think, offers a real opportunity to return more time to people.”

—Fletcher Previn, CIO, Cisco


It’s exciting to think about all the applications for artificial intelligence across tech, media, and telecom and the use of AI in technology. But with these opportunities comes a critical need to ensure that AI is being implemented across the enterprise in a trustworthy and secure way. In this episode of User Friendly, Cisco’s CIO Fletcher Previn and Deloitte’s US CIO Irfan Saif join host Hanish Patel to explore promising GenAI use cases. They also discuss the risk and governance controls that need to be in place to help organizations make the most of AI.

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