

Shifting sports landscape with US soccer

Predictions for the future of the sports industry

From streaming video to sports betting to the emerging metaverse, sports fans have more options to engage with their favorite teams and leagues than ever before. In this episode, User Friendly podcast host Hanish Patel talks with US Soccer’s David Wright and Deloitte’s Chad Deweese to examine the future of sports marketing, next-gen fan engagement, and how sports businesses can identify emerging growth opportunities.

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Innovation is happening at such a rapid pace that it’s going to continue to better engage fans where they want to be engaged, when they want to be engaged. It should be an exciting time to not only be a fan but participate in the business side as well.

—Chad Deweese, senior manager, Deloitte

Like many other industries, the future of sports depends on the ability to evolve and adapt. Virtual and augmented reality are changing the playing field when it comes to driving deeper, more consistent levels of fan engagement. But solely focusing on technology to evolve organizations may not ensure future success. In a hyper-competitive marketplace, consumers also seek out organizations with cultures and core values that resonate with their own beliefs.

Our greatest asset are the people waking up thinking about our business. And for me, with any organization, it doesn’t really matter what industry, it starts with the true north. What’s the vision of that organization? And is it aspirational? Does it speak to me? Does it resonate with my core values? Because that sets the tone top to bottom. And I think we have an enormous opportunity.

—David Wright, chief commercial officer, US Soccer

In this episode of the User Friendly podcast, David Wright, chief commercial officer at US Soccer, and Chad Deweese, senior manager in Deloitte’s sports practice, join host Hanish Patel to explore the shifting sports landscape through the lens of soccer’s explosive growth in the United States. Together, they look at how technology and innovation may impact the fan experience over the next 10 years—and how sports organizations can create a cohesive and seamless experience for their fans across all channels while adding value.

US Soccer Sponsorship

Deloitte is proud to be a sponsor of the US, Soccer Federation and to provide professional services to support their mission of helping soccer become the preeminent sport in the United States. Learn more about our sponsorship.

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