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Business leadership in an age of disruption

Navigating complex dynamics

Businesses today are faced with several major discontinuities that are altering leaders’ perspectives and the actions they will take in the years to come. In this episode, User Friendly podcast host Hanish Patel talks with Deloitte’s Jason Girzadas and Jessica Kosmowski about shifts in technology, the rise of socially responsible leadership, and how to navigate these complex dynamics to successfully define the future.

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Business leaders have a role to play. We, I think at times… haven't embraced the fact that we have agency relative to these issues, that these challenges that society faces can be addressed through business leaders... we don't need to be observers to these changes.

Jason Girzadas, Managing Principal - Businesses, Global, and Strategic Services, Deloitte LLP


After a decade of extraordinary and fundamental shifts, business leaders are called to consider new priorities. Many are embracing the power of socially responsible leadership as an agent to forge positive change. At the same time, technological advances are having an ever-expanding influence and will transform the art of the possible across societies, economies, and businesses. How can leaders move their businesses into the future while making the world a better place?


In these disruptive times, the name of the game is being dynamic, versatile, and agile. Many corporate leaders are used to working inside their own four walls, except for when they’re talking to customers or suppliers. And here, it’s really about pulling together different leaders to come up with new ideas together… doing things for good. At Deloitte, we do see some of the world’s most intractable problems… and no organization can solve them by themselves.

Jessica Kosmowski, US Ecosystems & Alliances leader, Deloitte Consulting LLP


In this episode of the User Friendly podcast, Jason Girzadas, Managing Principal - Businesses, Global, and Strategic Services, and Jessica Kosmowski, US Ecosystems & Alliances leader, join host Hanish Patel to explore the key trends and forces shaping the future of business and other business leadership topics. They discuss the exponential pace of change in business and society accelerated by technological shifts, how Technology, Media and Telecom (TMT) companies are at the center of these changes, and the role of leaders to navigate these disruptive dynamics and sustain success.

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