Consulting is a service. Strive to serve for the client’s best experience.

デロイト トーマツ コンサルティング合同会社
Financial Services Industry ディレクター


Q.What motivated you to join DTC?

A. On my way out of undergrad my next step was focused on either consulting or the finance industry. My decision was why not both, consulting for the finance industry, and here I am.
I joined an IT oriented consulting firm and experienced the full gamut in the finance industry from regional banks to global banks, securities firms and stock exchanges and even some insurance and pharmaceutical companies. I designed systems, designed data models, consulted on risk management and performed PMO support.
Deciding then to shift to a more strategic consulting role but still be able to leverage my background to execute, I joinedDTC. AtDTC, a good mixture of strategy and execution was exactly what I got.

Q.How did you grow personally and achieve your goals since you joined DTC?

A. One of the first projects I worked on was about building a hypothesis, building a case by analyzing data to back the hypothesis and proposing the case to the client. The close collaboration with data analytics experts providing a set of new insights from a different angle led to building a stronger case and in the end allowed us to propose the case with full confidence to the client.
This mobility to form the “best team” of experts with different backgrounds and skillsets locally/globally allows me to broaden my horizons and is something I look forward to in the future.

Q.Please describe any positive or strong points about DTC

A. The ability given for us consultants to leverage the entire firm to provide services to our clients amazed me from Day 1 in this firm. One year in the firm and I had already been given the opportunity to collaborate with accountants, data analytics experts and world renowned regulatory experts.
In addition, the support from research specialists specifically for the Financial Services Industry, and the ease of tapping into the vast global knowledge resource of best practices, cleansed deliverables from past projects allows us to better meet client needs. But, what astounded me the most was the level of professionalism that individual Deloitte colleagues around the globe demonstrate to maintain this knowledge resource.

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私たちのビジネスは信頼を基礎としています。私たちにとって、Ethics & Integrityとはすべての根幹です


次世代に向けた社会価値創出に率先して取り組むデロイト トーマツ グループを目指して
