AI and analytics help a quick-service restaurant get even quicker
Machine learning helps the help desk at a global quick-service restaurant

The Situation
We’ve all been there—maybe you’ve even been there on both sides of the counter. Customers are stacked up six deep at a quick-service restaurant. Orders are being taken, paid for, cooked, assembled, and delivered through a truly remarkable coordination of whip-smart process, human skill, and technological sophistication.
And then . . . the tech breaks down. The touch screen won’t place that chicken order. The timer on the fryer won’t start timing. The automatic drink dispenser won’t stop dispensing.
For one global quick-service restaurant, the help desk (or, rather, the loose network of disconnected help desks and help providers scattered around the world) that fielded these often-frantic calls for help from thousands of restaurants wasn’t operating nearly as smoothly as it needed to. For example, because ticket resolution was geared toward just “solving the immediate problem,” and solutions rarely addressed the roots of those problems, the same issues were being raised over and over again in ticket after ticket. And the trickle-down effect of all of those stacked tickets, redundant tickets, delays in helpful responses, and redundancy in systems and approaches to answering questions was starting to affect the restaurants themselves—and, more to the point, the experience of the customers in them.
The trick was, the company did not have the tools, insights, resources, or time to perform the complicated and strategic analysis needed to diagnose—and then fix—the problem.
But Deloitte did.
The Impact
Before, the company had been applying redundant investments to solve the same problems in multiple markets in the same way, over and over. Now, by bringing global standardization and efficiencies to the new help desk model, our services have given service desk workers time back to focus on the tickets that truly need their attention and expertise. And, as help desk operations start to run more smoothly, the revenue loss associated with system downtime and system inefficiencies should begin to reverse direction.
The end result? A better overall experience for customers—and workers.
Ticket Analytics is just the starting point to unlocking advanced levels of service management maturity and AI operations. Applying machine learning capabilities, implementing causal analysis, and introducing AI operations and predictive analytics can give restaurant owners faster response times; local markets better data on their restaurant issues; and corporate IT greater ability to identify, prioritize, prevent, and fix issues.
Additional benefits:
- Now that analysis can be conducted across geographies, topics can be addressed broadly—and once—as opposed to each time they arise, time and time again.
- Trends can now be rapidly, and visually, identified and quickly addressed by either simple go/no-go decisions or via further investigation.
- Users now have access to real-time ticket data from which to pull information and create graphs simply and quickly.