

D2international (D2i)

Developing our people, developing our world

D2international (D2i) is Deloitte Government and Public Service’s (GPS) flagship international social impact program. We were founded on the belief that doing good is good business. After a decade of consulting and advisory projects with non-profits and social enterprises across the world, helping them tackle a variety of wicked problems, we are just as confident in that belief.

Our footprint

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Our work

Fellowship: D2i’s premier program, and Deloitte GPS’s flagship international social impact initiative, is a 5-month social impact service delivery fellowship designed for and entirely led by junior professionals. Each year, D2i works with changemakers around the world to showcase how the private, public, and social impact sectors can collaborate to address wicked problems facing our world. The D2i 2023 Fellowship is working with two organizations in Morocco: Dar Si Hmad and Zakoura Foundation, tackling the wicked problem of refugee integration and education efforts of major economies. Find the latest Fellowship Impact Report in Our Publications on this page below.                

Summer Scholar Program: The D2i Summer Scholar Program (SSP) is an 8-week fellowship for Deloitte’s Summer Scholars. 

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Since 2014, D2i has worked with Mozaik Foundation, a social enterprise organization that identifies, empowers, and invests into young entrepreneurial leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Cambodia: Following the D2i 2019 Fellowship, D2i continues to work with Hagar International, an organization taking a unique approach to combatting human trafficking. Hagar International provides services directly to survivors of human trafficking and abuse, through a survivor-centered model that walks the entire journey to recovery with them.

Chile: D2i works with two organizations based out of Santiago, Chile that were part of the 2018 D2i Fellowship. Mi Parque is a public spaces organization that engages in a community-led, participative process to build public spaces that everyone can be proud of in their community. Algramo is an innovative social enterprise changing how staple goods are received to enable a sustainable, cost effectiveness, and inclusive circular economy.

Colombia: D2i works with two organizations based in Colombia. Edumetria, an organization that aims to create innovative and cost-effective educational models that help bridge the gap in educational achievement in rural and urban areas, while addressing socio-economic and gender issues. D2i also partners with Fundación Juanfe, a foundation that works with adolescent mothers facing financial and/or psychological challenges by empowering them through psychosocial therapy, education on sexual and reproductive rights, job training, and job placement so the women may enter the workforce.

Costa Rica: Following the D2i 2022 Fellowship, D2i continues to work with Bean Voyage, an organization designed to increase access to training, finance, and markets for smallholder women coffee farmers in Costa Rica.

Ghana: D2i works with two organizations in Ghana that were part of the 2020 D2i Fellowship. These organizations focus on efforts to increase access to education and skill development. Sabre Education works to improve the futures of poor and marginalized children in Ghana, by working to give them the best possible early education. Soronko Academy aims to empower woman and girls to realize their economic potential through technical and soft skills development and training. Deloitte is working with Soronko to help them expand their class offerings through partnerships with companies as well as help build a talent pipeline for Soronko’s alumni to obtain employment after their courses.

India: D2i works with two organizations in India that were part of the 2021 D2i Fellowship. These organizations focus on driving policy and infrastructure to reduce climate change. Oorja helps build climate resiliency by shifting away from traditional fossil fuels to solar power, a clean and renewable energy source.

Kenya: D2i supports Ongoza, an accelerator that helps growth-oriented entrepreneurs scale their businesses through a highly tailored program that provides entrepreneurs with the expertise, connections and business fundamentals needed to succeed.

Namibia: D2i works with WeRobotics and Namibia Flying Labs, two organizations working to understand the uncrewed aerial system (UAS) regulatory environment in Namibia, craft a strategy for future UAS regulations, and identify barriers and enablers of drones.

Algorithmic Justice League: D2i works with the Algorithmic Justice League, an organization that combines art and research to illuminate the social implications of artificial intelligence. AJL’s mission is to raise awareness about the impacts of AI, equip advocates with empirical research, build the voice and choice of the most impacted communities, and galvanize researchers, policy makers, and industry practitioners to mitigate AI harms and biases. D2i is working with AJL to conduct research into the standards, best practices, and barriers present in the AI auditing space today.

EverFree: D2i recently began working with EverFree, an Anti-Human Trafficking organization with branches in the Philippines and Uganda, as well as a team in the US. EverFree focuses on survivor care, trafficking prevention, and research and development of the most effective and efficient programs, scaled through their global network to reach more communities and survivors.

FINCA Forward: D2i works with FINCA Forward, a technical assistance platform designed to 1) support Micro Financial Institutions (MFIs) to identify and prioritize opportunities for innovation and to learn from the global market of B2B entrepreneurs developing solutions to address operational challenges, and 2) provide impact-focused B2B fintech startups access to financial institutions to test, iterate, and refine products in a proof of concept environment, develop scalable solutions, and build investable ventures.

Global Millennial Leadership Program (GMLP): D2i’s Global Millennial Leadership Program supports young professionals around the world as they innovate solutions to today’s most pressing issues. In 2022, GLMP will support the State Department’s Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) to invest in the next generation of African leaders and entrepreneurs via fellowships with Deloitte. GMLP fellows leverage the firm’s expertise in management, advisory, and business best practices for their own projects in a variety of social impact-oriented fields.

Practical Action: Practical Action’s mission is to find innovative solutions climate change by connecting people and community members to make systemic changes across agriculture, water access, and waste management. D2i supports the India, Kenya, and England branches of Practical Action.

Social Franchising Community of Practice: D2i’s Social Franchising Community of Practice (“SF CoP”) works with three social enterprises: 1) Access Afya, a Kenyan-based primary healthcare clinic, 2) Unlocking Communities, a water filtration business that operates in Haiti and 3) Be Girl, a global design company that provides affordable menstruation products. The SF CoP works with executive teams to conduct market expansion/analysis, customer strategy and annual strategic planning to empower franchises to develop and scale their business across emerging markets. The SF CoP has captured lessons learned working with its collection of portfolio companies and has published several white papers including with the International Franchise Association (IFA) and becoming a thought leader in a growing industry.

Vital Voices: Vital Voices identifies women leaders from across the globe with daring visions for change and partners with them to help make the visions a reality. D2i works with Vital Voices Global Leadership Awards Honorees every year to provide consulting services.

World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Alliance: This D2i team began in 2020 as a COVID-19 Research Team, with a goal of understanding how nonprofits and social enterprises have responded to the pandemic, especially as it relates to technology, and identifying potential future scenarios that may emerge over the next 2-3 years to help organizations navigate the continued pandemic-related uncertainty. The team engaged over 75 unique social enterprises, ecosystem builders, and subject matter experts to create a cross-sector, scalable tool that social entrepreneurs can use to run a diagnosis on their needs as an organization.
As of March 2023, D2i is supporting the WEF Global Alliance in their efforts to further engage the private sector in partnerships with social entrepreneurs. Given its ambition to grow the number of private sector members to 100 companies, the Secretariat requires a well-designed value proposition for private sector actors to engage; a clear overview of mechanisms for companies to partner with social entrepreneurs; and efficient processes to facilitate engagement at that scale. D2i will partner closely with the WEF to develop both a Playbook and a Report on Engagement Strategies to foster the relationship between the private sector and social entrepreneurs.

Our business

Our leadership

Get in contact with our champions and project leadership:

Peter Liu

Managing Director

Sally D’Amato


Brian Greenberg


Kate Reilly


Jack Cronin

Program Co-Lead

Alaina Nelson

Marketing & Eminence Lead

Mary Buckingham

Program Co-Lead

Taylor Gary

Community & Inclusion Lead

Priti Kantesaria

Innovation & Learning Lead

Daisy Leahy

Fellowship Lead


Kristina Lignell

Impact & Operations Co-Lead


Ellie Logan

Impact & Operations Co-Lead


Read about our practitioners’ and partner organizations’ experiences with D2i

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