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Our impact through innovation
Transforming businesses to create value—tax, audit, advisory, and more
Innovation without impact is just an intellectual exercise. We are in the business of transforming the way we work and how we serve our clients—in a way that measurably improves lives, profits, and the value we bring to the world. Learn more about our impact through news, awards, and a selection of case studies.
Explore content
- Deloitte innovation in the news
- Awards and recognition
- Audit innovation: Disclosure Analytics
- Tax innovation: iPACS
- Business innovation: Automated Document Review
Deloitte innovation in the news
How to supercharge robotic process automation
March 8, 2017 | ZDNet
Even the mad men could be replaced by machines someday, CNBC
February 24, 2017 | CNBC
NLP technology inspires customer interaction projects in key verticals
February 7, 2017 | TechTarget
Beyond bitcoin : Blockchain’s place in the enterprise
February 2, 2017 | CIO Dive
Blockchain adoption varies by industry
January 30, 2017 | The Wall Street Journal–CIO Journal
Why 2017 is blockchains make or break year
January 9, 2017 | Coindesk
Robotic process automation is killer app for cognitive computing
November 4,
The additive risk of additive manufacturing
Oct. 21,
Putting products into services
September 2016 | Harvard Business Review
Deloitte alliance illustrates growing role for data extraction software
March 8,
Bitcoin—a solution to the ad-blockers?
March 8,
Deloitte partners with Kira Systems to bring artificial intelligence into the workplace
March 8,
Auditing firms count on technology for backup
March 7,
Start-up lessons from the once-again hot field of AI
February 28,
What I learned teaching a course on artificial intelligence (and you can, too)
February 11,
Blockchain: Catalyst for massive change across industries
February 2,
Awards and recognition
Deloitte wins “Americas Tax Innovator of the Year” award
October 26,
International Accounting Bulletin: Audit Innovation of the Year
October 2,
Salesforce: Partner Innovation Awards
September 17,
Audit innovation: Disclosure Analytics
Deloitte created a powerful research application called Disclosure Analytics that empowers auditors to perform fast, flexible searches for more than 2 million individual disclosures and accounting policies. This new solution—which includes filtering, comparison, and data visualization features—allows Deloitte Audit teams to get results in minutes rather than hours. In addition, the application’s consistency of data helps to further increase the quality of audit insights.
Impact: The Disclosure Analytics solution is designed to drive faster response times to client requests and audit research requirements.
Tax innovation: iPACS
Deloitte developed the Internet-based Process and Compliance System (iPACS) to simplify the tax filing process. The program facilitates and enhances operational decisions by reducing the time needed to deliver critical tax insights through an automated, customized program that helps with:
- Data collection
- Documentation
- Partner allocations
- Tiering
iPACS facilitates high-volume production of K-1 forms specifying each partner’s share tax liability. The ability to make K-1s available to investors and create customized reports is particularly significant for Deloitte and its clients.
Impact: Highly complex reports that normally take weeks or months are now possible in a fraction of the time with the Internet-based Process and Compliance System (iPACS).
Business innovation: Automated Document Review
Deloitte developed an automated document review platform using cognitive technologies–specifically, natural language processing—to read and automatically identify relevant information within a set of documents. It also includes machine learning to improve accuracy over time. This platform holds wide-ranging benefits, allowing our teams to process all types of unstructured information faster and with greater accuracy. One team was able to increase the scope of its contract review effort by multiple orders of magnitude, processing more than 150,000 documents using the application.
Impact: Deloitte’s Automated Document Review platform improves client service quality, helps surface valuable insights more efficiently, and enables professionals to spend more time on more nuanced problem solving activities.
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