SEC disclosure requirements workshop has been saved
SEC disclosure requirements workshop
How to address the final SEC climate disclosure rules
Final Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) climate-related disclosure regulation is here. Learn more about the final ruling, assess the impacts it has on your company, and plan your roadmap for implementing the rule through an SEC Climate Workshop.
How the final SEC Climate-related disclosure rules could impact your business
The SEC Climate disclosure requirements have been finalized. The new rules will enhance and standardize climate-related disclosure requirements provided by public companies, requiring them to make climate disclosures that are more transparent and provide investors with consistent, comparable, and decision-useful information.
The required disclosures in these rules could mean significant changes in climate disclosure procedures for many companies, making it necessary for them to consider their needs surrounding GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions data, processes and controls, and technology. The SEC Climate disclosure rules will require significant effort, attention, and senior management leadership to navigate the potential impacts on the business and a need to:
- Understand GHG emissions data
- Assess climate risk across their business
- Establish governance procedures
- Determine the new regulation’s impact on financial statement footnotes
Prepare your business for the final SEC Climate disclosure requirements
SEC climate readiness tailored to you
It’s important that companies that are affected by the SEC Climate disclosure requirements be prepared for the impacts that the rule will have on their climate-related disclosure procedures. With interactive sessions individually tailored to companies’ needs, the SEC Climate Workshop will invite teams to collaborate on a plan that addresses the complex challenges that they can expect from disclosure regulation.
This workshop is designed to help companies effectively accomplish three goals:
- Learn what the new SEC Climate disclosure rules mean for your organization.
- Assess your needs surrounding data, processes, controls, and technology.
- Plan for implementation of the final rulings.

Whether your company needs assistance understanding the changes on the way, help assessing the effects that you might have on your climate disclosure procedures, or help defining an approach to implementation planning, Deloitte has the knowledge, experience, and tools to help you navigate the ruling.
Start planning with a SEC Climate Workshop today.
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