Life at Deloitte

Deloitte's Encore Program

Rejoining the workforce with confidence

April 15, 2019

Marsha Waters, an MBA graduate of Howard University, has had an interesting career path. Hailing from the small island of Jamaica, she now serves as an IT program management consultant supporting federal agencies in Virginia at Deloitte. Throughout the years she has managed to prioritize her career and professional goals alongside her most important role—being a mom.

Voluntarily leaving the workforce

In 2011, Marsha decided to become a stay-at-home mom to be there for her family’s needs. “My husband traveled extensively for work, and with three kids under six, I was incredibly stressed. I had an opportunity to spend more time with them, so I took advantage,” shared Marsha. This wasn’t an easy decision to make as she thought it would impact her career and professional development. Marsha knew she needed to be with her family, but she wasn’t quite sure how she would explain the gaps in her employment history when she was ready to head back to work. “There is a fear of re-entry into the workforce,” shared Marsha.

Transitioning back to the workforce

Like Marsha, many other professionals, including military spouses, face similar challenges when they decide to leave the workforce voluntarily or when they are placed in a position where they must. Recognizing these unique challenges faced by qualified professionals led to the creation of Encore—A structured program designed to help professionals obtain the training, experience, and coaching they need to rejoin the workforce with confidence.

In 2015, after Marsha’s youngest child began elementary school, she was ready to re-enter the workforce, and that's when she discovered the Encore program. “After looking at openings on the Deloitte job site, I found the Encore program, and it seemed like a perfect fit, so I applied,” said Marsha. “It allowed me to re-enter the workforce without having to respond to those questions about the gaps in my resume due to my time at home with the children and it also took away the stigma sometimes associated with stepping away from the workforce.” 


Jumping back in

The paid program, typically lasting three to four months, helps professionals to refresh their skills, and provides mentoring, coaching, and a personalized development plan. Participants are assigned to a client engagement and have access to Deloitte's innovative leadership development curriculum. They are also given opportunities to learn from each other and network with Deloitte professionals during the program and are considered for full-time employment after the successful completion of the program.

“The Encore program allowed for an easier transition into the workforce and provided an overview of what Deloitte has to offer through actual project work, education, and mentoring. It was not only an opportunity for Deloitte to assess whether I was a right fit but also for me to assess if Deloitte was for me,” said Marsha. Almost four years later it's safe to say that Marsha is happy with her decision to put her family's needs first, but also thankful to be back to work doing what she loves.


Learn more

If you have had a break from employment for two or more years and are interested in applying for the Encore program, view our current Encore program openings.

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