Life at Deloitte

Deloitte's International Internship Program

Callie and Jordan share their IIP experience

November 29, 2018

Traveling to foreign countries, learning about new cultures, and immersing yourself in a new way of life is often at the top of the list for many young professionals, but doing it while pursuing career aspirations and gaining professional skills and knowledge is even better. Each year Deloitte gives a select group of Deloitte interns this opportunity through the International Internship Program (IIP).

International exposure

More than just sightseeing and exploration, IIP participants can gain business experience, create cross-border professional connections and learn more about Deloitte Global and its network of member firms. For Jordan Ballantyne and Callie Anderson, the IIP presented an opportunity to gain not only global business experience but also challenged them to get outside of their comfort zones by doing something different.

When Jordan, now a full-time consultant in the Risk and Financial Advisory practice, discovered she was selected for the program and would be placed in India, she was "over the moon." Not only was she excited about the opportunity to work with Deloitte professionals in India, but she was also getting a chance to connect with her maternal roots. Jordan's mom was born in India, and although Jordan grew up in New York, she had always longed for an opportunity to visit India.

“I applied with the hope that I’d finally get to visit, but understood that it was a long shot, so I was ecstatic to be selected,” shared Jordan. “I’ve never experienced a country like India, and it was amazing to see the differences and similarities between the lives of Deloitte professionals in India and the US.”

Callie Anderson, now a full-time consultant in the Global Employer Services (GES) group found herself in Australia, an experience she describes as "life-changing, both personally and professionally." While stationed in Australia’s largest city, Sydney, and interning for Deloitte Australia, Callie bonded with 19 other interns and learned about Robotic Process Automation (RPA), an initiative the Deloitte team in Australia is spearheading on a global scale.

“The things I learned about Deloitte Australia and the work I did there has helped me back in the US by allowing me to expand my business knowledge and Australia-specific consultation,” noted Callie.

Continents apart

Although Jordan and Callie were placed on two completely different continents, their experiences and key takeaways shared many similarities. Both learned the value of working with diverse teams and adopting new approaches to solving problems. Jordan’s assignment was a largely independent research project focused on cyber and assurance advisory practices. She discovered she had to get comfortable not knowing all the answers and reaching out to her team when she needed help. Similarly, Callie gained experience working with colleagues with different work and cultural styles to help solve complex problems.

“Professionally, this program gave me insight into Deloitte Global’s network of member firms,” said Callie. “I was able to understand different service offerings and develop skills that continue to benefit me since I have started full time.”

Both Callie and Jordan walked away from the experience with a lifetime of memories and a renewed sense of confidence to conquer their professional goals and aspirations. Callie puts it best when she said, “this program has the potential to change the course of your career.”


If Deloitte’s International Internship Program sounds like an opportunity that interests you, learn more about the program and how to apply.

Jordan Ballantyne at the Taj Mahal
Callie Anderson after a surfing lesson at Manly Beach

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