Life at Deloitte

An interview with Vishweshwara Vasa

Tech Architecture leader at Deloitte

July 29, 2021

Vishweshwara Vasa is a managing director with Deloitte Consulting LLP. He is a chief architect, focused in digital and cloud, with more than 18 years of IT experience. Over the last eight years, Vasa has concentrated in digital marketing, cloud native development, global e-commerce, enterprise portal, system integration, and custom application development. He also specializes in system architectures, cloud-based solutions, DevOps, application development, portal implementations, portal design, application and system level security, database design, and multi-tier architectures.

At Deloitte, I am particularly energized by capturing the minds of young engineer architects: helping guide them through the “next gen” of engineering thinking by mentoring them…and then watching them flourish as the next wave of architect leaders who think both about solving technology problems and marrying that with our business goals and needs.

Tell us a bit about your career journey at Deloitte and the types of projects you work on.
Computer engineering was always my career path and pivoting to cloud transformation work allowed me the freedom to connect with clients on their need for moving systems onto cloud whether building custom applications in the cloud or enabling the cloud transformation (DevOps). I’m a Professional Certified Architect in AWS, GCP and Azure, and I focus primarily on the high-tech, financial, and healthcare industries.

What are the most important things for cloud architects to think about when working with clients?
The most fundamental priority as a cloud architect is to set a vision or structure for our clients to move their systems to cloud. This comes in many forms in my line of work, but simply put—how do we solve for today’s technology problems using the tools of today, in a new way?

In many cases, reimagining what cloud can do for a client requires significant expertise in cloud computing and the complexities that comes along with cloud migration. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to deliver strategies that enable businesses to disrupt their market. My team usually does this by evaluating the best way to approach the cloud transition, setting the structure for teams to enable the assets needed, assuring the assets solve the problem, and watching a business grow based on the new designs.

How are you preparing the next generation of tech architecture talent at Deloitte?
At Deloitte, I share my expertise and knowledge of current architect trends with the next generation of engineers. I am particularly energized by capturing the minds of young engineer architects: helping guide them through the “next gen” of engineering thinking by mentoring them and then watching them flourish as the next wave of architect leaders who think both about solving technology problems and marrying that with our business goals and needs.

What keeps you busy outside of your work at Deloitte?
Outside of work, I enjoy hydroponics gardening. Currently I am working on growing micro-greens throughout the year. My goal is to grow 60–70% of my food while in retirement. In addition, I am a private pilot and I really enjoy flying. I love having the freedom to fly anywhere as a pilot-in-command.

Now, more than ever, businesses are embracing change and looking to technology to enable their transformation. If you want to work with leading thinkers, tackle some of the biggest challenges, and have the most impact—you want to be here.

Learn more about the Next Gen Architecture Program.

Learn more about technology architecture jobs at Deloitte.

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