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Latest posts: veterans

Jumpstarting veterans’ civilian careers

July 10, 2024

Joining the civilian workforce can be a challenging task for veterans. Deloitte works with the Hiring Our Heroes Corporate Fellowship Program (CFP) to help ease this transition. The 12-week program provides service members with networking opportunities, professional training, and hands-on experience in the civilian workforce. At the completion of their fellowship, Hiring Our Heroes fellows have the opportunity to be considered for full-time positions at Deloitte.....continue reading

Honoring and supporting our veterans

November 10, 2023

As we welcome the fall season and prepare for the upcoming holiday festivities, we stand on the threshold of a remarkable day—Veterans Day. This is a day we set aside to pay our heartfelt respects and gratitude to the courageous men and women, some of whom I have had the privilege of serving alongside, and who continue to serve our great nation....continue reading

Childhood of numbers to a career full of connections

September 13, 2023

On most days, you’ll find me working remotely in a converted schoolhouse in Kansas—with a working gymnasium, an old home economics room that serves as a kitchen, and bedrooms that were once classrooms. My name is David Martinez, and I am a systems analyst within the Risk & Financial Advisory Government & Public Services (GPS) practice of Deloitte & Touche LLP....continue reading

Meet the US Delivery Center team: Jon Williams

June 28, 2023

On Jon’s first day at Deloitte, he put on his best suit and tie and walked into his first onboarding session. “I thought, this is Deloitte. I’m going in there very professionally, and I’m going to be ready,” Jon remembered....continue reading 

(Fire)fighting for personal development

February 15, 2023

Barb Williams is a consultant in Deloitte & Touche LLP’s Cyber & Strategic Risk practice. In addition to her “day job,” she is a volunteer firefighter in her community. Here she shares her passion and how she balances it with her work....continue reading

Reflections on being a Veteran

November 11, 2022

As fall begins to drift slowly into winter, we find ourselves once again celebrating Veterans Day. Veterans Day is built from a long history of national recognition of those citizens who took a path intended to defend the freedoms afforded by our constitution and the communities we call home, that when woven together make up this amazing nation....continue reading

Deloitte’s collaboration with Hiring Our Heroes

November 11, 2021

Deloitte’s work with the Hiring Our Heroes Corporate Fellowship Program (CFP) provides transitioning service members with professional training and hands-on experience in the civilian workforce, and they have the opportunity to be hired full-time at Deloitte upon the completion of their fellowship....continue reading

I used to fly in business class, now I'm crawling in the grass

November 9, 2021

May 9, 2019 was a Thursday. An unremarkable workday.However, May 9 wasn't just another Thursday. It was on that day that I knowingly put my signature on documents that would throw me into a world I knew almost nothing about and change my life in ways I had yet to fully understand....continue reading

Making a difference for transitioning veterans

November 7, 2019

“Transitioning out of the military takes time, patience, and a deep understanding of self.” These are a few key insights Andrea Tice discovered as she made the transition from military service to civilian life in the summer of 2014....continue reading

Investing in the professional development of veterans

September 6, 2019

Helping veterans to navigate professional development and career success outside the military has been a top priority for Deloitte. This mission was solidified with the creation of the Career Opportunity Redefinition and Exploration (CORE) Leadership Program, a program which assists transitioning military members translate their unique experiences and skills to the world of business....continue reading

Military Spouse Initiative

May 9, 2019

Quiana Downie is a manager in Information Technology Services for Deloitte & Touche LLP who joined Deloitte in 2015 and has since carved out a name for herself at Deloitte. She supports operations for Deloitte’s Technology and Infrastructure organization and works closely with Deloitte’s chief technology officer to execute organizational strategies, including the development of strategic communications, and management of financial analysis efforts. What many may not know about Quiana, is that along with juggling a thriving career at Deloitte and two young children, she is also a military spouse—which presents a whole new dynamic to life....continue reading

Who we are: Andres Hernandez

April 25, 2019

When Andres Hernandez, senior consultant, Deloitte & Touche LLP, first came to Deloitte, he began researching how he could get involved in inclusion. “I looked on our internal networking sites to see who was involved in both LGBTQ issues and veterans’ issues,” Andres says. Andres served in the military as a reservist during the era of “Don’t ask, Don’t tell”. He had not been active in the LGBTQ community at work while he was serving in the army, but when he joined Deloitte, he was excited to get involved....continue reading

Veterans Day 2018

November 8, 2018

Deloitte has a long history of honoring veterans and through the years has continued its commitment to uplifting veterans through career development and exploration programs, skills training, volunteering, and collaborations with several veteran organizations across the country....continue reading

Candid Conversations: Patrick McElrath

October 22, 2018

To his colleagues at Deloitte, Patrick McElrath is known simply as Mac. But many may not know that he adopted the moniker from his days serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Mac served two years as an Army Ranger before a devastating combat injury left him permanently paralyzed from the waist down....continue reading

Deloitte’s Advanced Degree Veterans' Forum 2019

October 11, 2018

Applications are now open for Deloitte’s Advanced Degree Veterans' Forum (ADVF), an immersive conference designed for veteran graduate students who are interested in learning more about the consulting profession and a career at Deloitte. The three-day forum will take place at Deloitte University, in Westlake, Texas from January 4 to 6, 2019....continue reading

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