Work as fashion
Employers find themselves in a reactive relationship as they chase worker sentiments, competitor actions, and marketplace dynamics. How will organizations navigate the “work as fashion” scenario? In episode one, we meet Tim, an airline manager who works to respond to the needs of all his employees—no matter who is the loudest—during a tough labor market. We also meet Karina, a market analyst who is passionate about her ability to work from home—and unwavering about her decision to not return to the office.
War between talent
The “war between talent” scenario depicts an impersonal relationship in which workers compete for limited jobs due to an oversupply of talent. In episode two, Allonzo is a cybersecurity professional who grapples with how to overcome a lack of management support for training and upskilling—factors critical to his ever-evolving profession. Morris, a sales leader, discusses his frustration with his company’s strategy to continually hire new staff rather than train existing employees.
Work is work
The “work is work” future explores a purely professional relationship in which workers and employers view organizational responsibility and personal and social fulfillment as largely separate domains. In episode three, Bruno is empowered to be creative and pursue his passion outside of work. Nina, a manager, shares how allowing workers to bring their whole selves to work benefits both the company and the employees themselves.
Purpose unleashed
The “purpose unleashed” scenario explores a communal relationship in which purpose is the dominant force driving the relationship between workers and employers. Can organizations stand behind their word with action—not just talk? In episode four, we meet Maya, an accountant who realizes her values no longer align with those of her organization. Meanwhile, Jasmine, an HR manager, finds value in her manufacturing company’s purpose and how workers are given agency to cocreate in the mission.