Finance 2025


Crunch time series for CFOs: Finance 2025 revisited

Let’s reassess our eight finance trend predictions

Let’s reassess our eight finance trend predictions

New finance trends sparked by digital disruption several years ago have only amplified with COVID-19. In 2018, we presented eight predictions on how the finance function will change by 2025. Our new Crunch time report revisits those predictions and where CFO trends and challenges stand today.

Finance 2025 revisited

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Dbriefs webcast: Finance 2025 revisited

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Finance faces new realities

COVID-19 sped up business innovation and stress-tested the concept of 100% remote work. Industries are converging, with global M&A activity in the first five months of 2021 reaching a record $2.4 trillion,1 and companies have raised more capital in the past year than at any time in recent memory. At the close of Q1 2021, nonfinancials in the S&P 500 held more than $2 trillion in cash reserves.2

In 2018, as digital disruption was prompting its own new realities, we predicted eight finance trends in our Crunch time report, Finance 2025. Now that we’re halfway there (and everything’s changed), the time feels right to revisit those predictions and see where these trends stand today.

Updates on our eight finance trend predictions

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Deloitte can help

Our Finance Labs explore the “art of the possible” and define your Finance Transformation strategy, bringing to life potential use cases, road map priorities, and future-state benefits. Contact us to learn more.


Download the full report

Explore other reports and guides in our Crunch time series, along with inspirational Finance Transformation case studies.


  • 1 Reuters, “Global M&A Surges to Record High for Third Straight Month,” June 4, 2021.
  • 2 Bloomberg, “S&P 500 Firms Beef Up Their Cash Piles to Deal With ‘New Normal’,” June 16, 2021.

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