

Adaptive space

Leveraging networks to drive agility

In this episode, we discuss how you can leverage social networks and teams within the organization to adapt to external disruption.

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Adaptive space: Leveraging networks to drive agility

Why are some organizations able to respond and adapt to disruption while others aren’t? How can social networks and teams influence leaders and help an organization become more agile? Learn about the challenges and benefits of social networks within an organization for both leaders and the workforce. In this episode, we welcome Michael Arena, former chief talent officer for General Motors, and now VP of talent for Amazon. Michael will talk about his book Adaptive Space, including what he calls the four D's—discovery, development, diffusion, and disruption. He’ll also discuss the research that informs his thoughts on how social networks within an organization can create micromovements to influence an organization’s macrostrategies.

How can companies broaden their talent lens to include less conventional sources of talent?

Organizational performance: It's a team sport

Hierarchies are being displaced by teams at organizations across industries and geographies. How can senior leaders, HR departments, and rank-and-file workers get teaming "right"?


The Adaptable Organization

The Adaptable Organization is a fundamental shift in operating and management philosophy that enables large-scale global organizations to operate with a start-up mindset and drive modern people practices that enable enterprise agility through empowered networks of teams.

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