

Cultivating resilience through a growth mindset

Do you believe that human characteristics and abilities can grow and change over time? If you do, you hold what is called a growth mindset. In this episode, we discuss how a growth mindset can shape individual beliefs and behavior. We also explore how growth mindsets can be cultivated in an organizational context to improve culture, performance, and diversity, equity, & inclusion.

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Cultivating a growth mindset for resilience

Do you believe that human characteristics like intelligence and personality can grow over time? If you do, you hold what is called a growth mindset. In this episode, we explore how to leverage growth mindsets as a foundation for an organization’s culture. We also discuss how to bring that perspective to thinking about resilience, both for individuals and teams.

Organizations are going to have to become more nimble. And that means they're going to have to rely on their people to be able to change with the times. And I believe that growth mindsets are a promising way to explore to do that.

2020 Global Human Capital Trends

Expand focus and extend influence

The future of HR must be one of expanded focus and extended influence: expanding its focus to encompass the entirety of work and the workforce and extending its sphere of influence to the enterprise and business ecosystem as a whole.

bots technology

Creating context for a connected world

For organizations that are struggling with knowledge management, new technology solutions can help.


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