
Framing the challenge: Think like a researcher

Part 2 of 2023 Global Human Capital Trends in Action

2023 Global Human Capital Trends in Action is a four-part series on Deloitte’s 2023 Global Human Capital Trends report. In part 2, hear from Deloitte report co-authors Michael Griffiths, Karen Weisz, and Shannon Poynton, and report co-author and Capital H podcast host David Mallon on thinking like a researcher.

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Framing the challenge: Think like a researcher

To lead in a boundaryless world, organizations and workers must activate their curiosity and see every decision as an experiment to generate new insights and expedite impact. Differentiation and winning will come from not just believing you have the right answers at the start but challenging orthodoxies, operating with humility and empathy, and harnessing new information for refinement as quickly as possible.

In part 2 of the 2023 Global Human Capital Trends in Action series, report co-authors David Mallon, Shannon Poynton, and Karen Weisz dive deeper into the first of three fundamentals from Deloitte’s 2023 Global Human Capital Trends report, “Framing the challenge: Think like a researcher.” We discuss what it means to view decisions—especially those related to work, the workforce, and the workplace—as experiments.

2023 Global Human Capital Trends

The boundaries once assumed to be the natural order of things are falling away—as disruption and discontinuity challenge traditional work models and the assumptions around them. Organizations and workers must traverse the new landscape together, calling on a new set of fundamentals to navigate this boundaryless world.

2023 HC Trends
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