

Knowledge management: Creating context for a connected world

For organizations that are struggling with knowledge management, new technology solutions can help. But beyond technology, organizations must also help workers understand that sharing their knowledge makes them more relevant, not less.

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Knowledge management: Creating context for a connected world

Knowledge creation and curation are key competitive differentiators. Today’s digital, hyperconnected era—with so many advanced technologies, new ways of working, and collaborative tools—presents new opportunities and challenges around knowledge management. On this episode of Capital H, Hans Visschers, global head of knowledge management at Philips, shares insights from Philips’ knowledge management transformation and tips for “starting small.” Plus, Deloitte leaders offer their perspective on how knowledge management trends and best practices will continue to evolve.

What we learned is that you need a KM methodology that can adapt rapidly to new technologies—a methodology that is quite independent of technology—and if the technology changes as you replicate quickly, you can adhere to that.

2020 Global Human Capital Trends

Knowledge management: Creating context for a connected world

For organizations that are struggling with knowledge management, new technology solutions can help. But beyond technology, organizations must also help workers understand that sharing their knowledge makes them more relevant, not less.


Ethics and the future of work: From “could we” to “how should we”

Over the past decade, leaders have faced an increasing need to grapple with tough ethical issues posed by the future of work. The question to ask: not just “could we,” but also “how should we.”

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