
Quantified organization: Skills intelligence

The shift toward a skills-based organization

In this episode, Deloitte’s Michael Griffiths and ServiceNow’s Heather Jerrehian discuss skills intelligence in the context of a quantified organization. Learn how organizations can use new sources of data and artificial intelligence (AI) while transitioning into a skills-based organization.

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Quantified organization: Skills intelligence

The concept of a quantified organization focuses on strategically measuring what an organization should, not just what it can. To achieve this, organizations can harness new data sources and leverage AI to drive worker and business goals. In this episode, host Burt Rea is joined by Michael Griffiths and ServiceNow’s Heather Jerrehian to discuss the transition to a skills-based organization—exploring how skills data can help organizations better understand their workforce’s strengths, build strategies to close talent gaps, and enhance the employee experience.

Our vision for Employee Growth and Development, or EGD, as we like to call it, is about helping organizations to better understand the strength of their workforce and build a scalable skills strategy. It’s about closing those talent gaps and improving employee experience. And for us at ServiceNow, that’s all on a single platform ... Moving to a skills-based organization we know is difficult, but it’s super important to meet your business needs. Do you have the right people doing the right work at the right time? To have that visibility to skills you have in your organization to understand where you might need to reskill, upskill, or even redeploy your talent, as you’re thinking about your build, buy, or borrow strategy.

— Heather Jerrehian, ServiceNow

Beyond productivity: The journey to the quantified organization

It’s time to measure what you should, rather than simply what you can. Become a quantified organization. As work becomes increasingly digitized, organizations have access to an unprecedented volume of work and workforce data. Drawing from in-depth interviews conducted with global executives, this Beyond productivity: The journey to the quantified organization report highlights opportunities to use work and workforce data to gain a holistic view of an organization to help create value for individuals, teams, the organization, and society.

Quantified organizations

Sign up for early access: 2024 Global Human Capital Trends

In Deloitte’s 2023 Global Human Capital Trends report, we introduced the idea that organizations and workers are traversing a new, boundaryless world together. As the traditional boundaries that kept work and the workforce packaged and orderly have fallen away, organizations have gained permission to experiment, pilot, and innovate to define new fundamentals for work, the workforce, and the workplace. This year, we’re continuing our research for our 2024 Global Human Capital Trends Report.

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