

The Great Resignation: On the horizon today

What’s Ahead in 2022: Part 1

Our latest two-part podcast series focuses on answering one question: How can organizations shift from the Great Resignation to the Great Reimagination? In part 1, hear Deloitte’s David Mallon, Jonathan Pearce, and Nic Scoble-Williams discuss what’s on the horizon today for HR and Human Capital leaders.

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The Great Resignation: On the horizon today

To prepare for a future in which crisis is business as usual, companies have an opportunity now to shift their thinking about talent and many aspects of work. Today’s senior executives are struggling with an urgent talent crisis: the Great Resignation. How can leaders handle the present, while also preparing for the future? In this episode, host David Mallon is joined by Jonathan Pearce and Nic Scoble-Williams to discuss what’s on the horizon today for HR and Human Capital leaders.

I think we are in a very important and exciting moment where we have the opportunity right now to harness all of the disruption of the Great Resignation that we've been talking about and use it to create new opportunities, new aspirations around reimagining work, workforces, and workplaces, and doing that with a focus on the big shifts that we’ve been talking about.

From “the Great Resignation” to “the Great Reimagination”

On the Capital H blog, Deloitte explores how organizational leaders can shift mindsets around talent strategies from a role-focused perspective to become a skills-based organization.

2021 Global Human Capital Trends Special Report: Part 1

Pandemic and societal pressures accelerated the worker-employer relationship’s evolution beyond anyone’s anticipation. How might it further evolve amid the uncertainties of a disrupted world? In this episode, we discuss how employers can prepare for multiple futures of the evolving employer-worker relationship.

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