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HealthChoice™ by Deloitte

Software as a Service (SaaS) Health Benefit Exchange (HBE)

HealthChoice by Deloitte is a turnkey HBE platform that is easily implemented and configured to your state’s needs. HealthChoice is a proven solution, powered by Amazon Web Services™ (AWS), that can be implemented quickly, efficiently, and securely.

Let Deloitte help you transform your health care marketplace

The value of State-Based Marketplaces (SBMs)

As part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), passed in 2010, two public health insurance marketplaces were established for consumers to purchase health insurance: the Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) and State-Based Marketplaces (SBMs).

There is a compelling business case for states to operate their own SBM, and a demonstrated track record of tremendous benefits. SBMs are self-sustaining and cost-efficient, and there is a strong correlation with states operating an SBM having better health care enrollment numbers and improved overall outcomes.

Why HealthChoice by Deloitte?

Deloitte has partnered with more states and successfully implemented more SBMs than anyone else. That experience has culminated in an industry-leading SaaS solution: HealthChoice by Deloitte.

HealthChoice is turnkey, and is the only SaaS SBM solution built on AWS GovCloud, making it the most scalable and secure solution on the market. Our industry-leading, modern platform is supported by 1,000+ subject-matter and implementation specialists ready to collaborate with you and innovate your state’s delivery of health benefits to residents.





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Get in touch

Ash D'Souza

Ash D'Souza

Consulting Managing Director

With over 17 years of technology consulting experience, Ash has been involved in helping state and federal agencies throughout the US solve problems through technology innovation and automation. His t... More

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