Tax reform: How will it impact the tech sector? has been saved
Tax reform: How will it impact the tech sector?
Part of the User Friendly podcast series
The 2017 Tax Act was one of the most transformative changes to the corporate US tax code in decades. And many of its benefits are clear. But it also brings a lot of new challenges to US companies. How will the technology, media, and telecom sectors be impacted?
Explore content
- Listen to the episode
- Reshaping the code
- How telecommunications companies can respond to tax reform
- How media and entertainment companies can navigate the changes
- Key considerations for the technology sector
Listen to the episode
In this episode, Brian Pinto, Janet Moran, and Jim Nason share their perspectives on the 2017 Tax Act; how it could impact the tech, media, and telecom sectors; and potential benefits for the industry and consumers.
There is angst and consternation, but it’s really over the implementation and the intricacies of what it means to implement this tax change.
Reshaping the code: Understanding the new tax reform law
The enactment of tax reform legislation will have far-reaching consequences for businesses and individuals. Our report, Reshaping the code: Understanding the new tax reform law, examines key provisions in the new law—formerly known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act—and its likely impacts.

How telecommunications companies can respond to tax reform
By this point, most executives are well aware of how tax reform will impact their companies. And for the telecommunications sector, which has one of the highest tax rates of any industry, there is definitely a lot to consider. How will tax cuts right now impact telecom companies’ strategy in the future?

How media and entertainment companies can navigate the changes
Thanks to the bill formerly known as the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, corporations are looking at a hefty tax rate cut, as the statutory rate decreases from 35 percent to 21 percent. That’s good news for media and entertainment (M&E) companies who operate as corporations as well as smaller businesses. Learn more about the strategic implications.

Key considerations for the technology sector
The bill formerly known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is likely to result in an influx of cash back to US corporate headquarters. But tax reform implications for the technology industry could extend far beyond finances. What else will technology companies need to consider about their value chains and market expansion as a result of these tax code changes?

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