

M&A Institute events

Where leaders become bolder together

Big ideas aren’t born in solitude. Our in-person mergers, acquisitions, and restructuring events include bootcamps and symposiums that fuel new approaches through insightful sessions on today’s hottest M&A and Restructuring topics and trends, and inspire new perspectives through one-on-one networking opportunities with top M&A and Restructuring leaders.

Forging new connections

Our schedule of M&A bootcamps and other events dive deep into specific aspects of the global M&A landscape and transformation opportunities with our proprietary insights and industry research. You’ll come away from our M&A and Restructuring events with an understanding of how industry and marketplace forces may affect your company’s M&A strategy and ability to execute transactions and transformation.

M&A Divestiture Bootcamp
July 25, 2024–July 26, 2024

Presented by our panel of M&A specialists, the Divestiture Bootcamp offers an immersive simulation-based environment to help facilitate the development of M&A capabilities.

Human Capital Dealmakers 
October 10, 2024–October 11, 2024

An immersive networking and learning opportunity for M&A professionals to deep dive on the HR deal workstream. An interactive workshop brings together the full cohort of leaders (director and above) across industries, while tactical case studies in small group breakout discussions on hot topics allow for focused, deeper conversations.

M&A Integration Bootcamp
December 5, 2024–December 6, 2024

Presented by our panel of specialists, this M&A bootcamp offers an immersive simulation-based environment to help facilitate the development of M&A capabilities. This merger integration bootcamp is designed to equip middle management professionals (senior directors/directors) focused on functional and cross-functional aspects of integrations with leading practices across the typical integration lifecycle.

Deloitte M&A Executive Forum
February 19, 2025–February 20, 2025

Our eagerly anticipated learning and networking event redefines the industry standards, bringing together M&A clients from a multitude of sectors for captivating panel discussions and sessions, underpinned by in-depth insights.

MarginPlus Symposium
April 24, 2025–April 25, 2025

Sessions designed by Mergers, Acquisitions, and Restructuring Services professionals include facilitated discussions on how to leverage leading practices for planning, designing, and executing effective margin improvement programs. This M&A event is primarily intended for middle management professionals (senior directors/directors) focused on functional and cross-functional aspects of restructuring.

Interested in attending one of our M&A and Restructuring events?

Contact the M&A Institute

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