

Deloitte's Manufacturing Execution System (MES) Solution

Accelerating time to value on digital product development

An overwhelming majority of US-based manufacturers believe digital product development is a new frontier, but few have launched initiatives aimed at creating smart factories. Deloitte’s manufacturing execution system solution can help optimize end-to-end digital transformations.

Digital product development—perception vs. reality

Eighty percent of US manufacturers surveyed last year believe that smart factories will transform the way products are made and become the main driver of competition by 2025. Yet only 5 percent of them reported full conversion of at least one factory to “smart” status, and only 30 percent report having smart factory initiatives currently underway at all.

That gap between perceived importance and real action can be caused due to distractions emerging from the shop floor, including:

  • Ineffective, antiquated planning approaches
  • Insufficient material and labor traceability
  • Missed throughput goals due to time-consuming manual activities
  • Inability to troubleshoot quality issues
  • Lack of visibility into key performance indicators
  • Unplanned maintenance leading to unnecessary downtime
DMES: Deloitte’s preconfigured MES solution

The biggest challenge—where to start?

Many companies have invested in manufacturing execution systems (MES) over the past 20 years. But each plant’s MES solution is often unique—some are homegrown and others have been purchased from software providers. As a result:

  • The capability maturity of individual plants often varies, sometimes widely.
  • Plants may not be able to define a transformation path on their own.
  • Replication across the plant network may be impeded by lack of standardization and willingness to compromise.
  • Executive buy-in may be withheld due to a poorly defined business case for transforming all plants.
  • The path to integration may be impeded by siloed and decentralized system development.

The good news? In the past five years, significant consolidation and growth have occurred in the MES software market. Several major players have become leaders in the space. Technologies are integrating more easily. Digital innovations are emerging, including:

  • Automation
  • Workflow tools
  • Advanced analytics
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Internet of Things (IoT) solutions

But now manufacturers need to decide which capabilities to pursue and how to transition from their current operations to more modern digital product development capabilities before competitors.

Deloitte can help.

Learn more about the connective products of our Siemens Alliance

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DMES: Deloitte’s preconfigured MES solution

Deloitte’s manufacturing execution system solution is a process-led, turnkey approach to MES implementation that focuses on seven key MES capabilities:

  • Manufacturing process definition
  • Production scheduling
  • Production execution
  • Tracking and traceability
  • Production quality management
  • Closing production unit
  • Data collection and reporting

Deloitte MES is an important enabler of the product life cycle digital thread, with prebuilt process and data integration connections to other end-to-end digital product development and real-time IoT production monitoring capabilities.

Learn more about manufacturing forward by transforming MES

Explore our MES series


Accelerating time to value

Deloitte combines strong manufacturing operations capabilities, industry knowledge, extensive experience, and relationships with the major MES vendors, as well as many tools and accelerators to jump-start and enable your MES transformation journey. Based on years of experience in manufacturing shop floor redesign, we have developed preconfigured tools and templates to help speed your path to value with MES, including:

  • A proprietary capability maturity model for assessing existing people, process, and technology capabilities and determining business needs
  • Business case and quantifiable return on investment (ROI) development
  • Scenario development for vendor demonstrations
  • Methodology for comparing software capabilities
  • Strategy for prioritizing and sequencing solution roll-out using preconfigured templates
  • Common, repeatable business processes tailored to the specifics of each factory
  • Out-of-the-box lean manufacturing and continuous improvement tools to deliver sustainable production system improvements
  • Transformation program governance models based on our experience with leading companies in many industries
  • Outsource support for MES maintenance and support to reduce IT/OT expenses and focus on core competencies

Deloitte MES can include IoT integration, low-code application development, and AR/VR capabilities. We can also share industry-specific MES leading practices and many lessons learned in other industries to add value to your implementation.

Our approach can help manufacturers enhance several areas of their business using:

  • Overall project cost reduction
  • Shortest time-to-value due to accelerated implementation
  • Simplified and globally harmonized processes
  • Improved digital integration with product lifecycle management and operational systems and processes
  • Strengthened regulatory compliance through improved digital traceability
  • Lower annual maintenance cost using out-of-the-box functions

Deloitte MES is available through a wide range of engagement options to help you tailor the implementation to your organization’s needs, culture, time frame, and budget as you progress in your digital maturity. With an approach that’s flexible and scalable to match your transformation objectives, organizations can achieve goals faster and create a sustainable path forward.

Learn more about unlocking your business potential with our Smart Factory Services

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Let’s talk

By choosing Deloitte’s MES solution, you can jump-start intelligent and timely transformation toward smart factory capabilities that align with your organization’s broader goals. It all starts with a process-led, turnkey approach that leverages many years of digital transformation, manufacturing operations, and systems implementation experience.

Contact us to learn more about Deloitte MES solutions or to discuss a specific challenge your organization is facing in its digital transformation journey.

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Vijay Santhanam

Vijay Santhanam

Product Strategy & Lifecycle Management Leader

Vijay is a managing director with Deloitte Consulting LLP and a leader in the supply chain and network operations practice. He has more than 15 years of experience and focuses on lean engineering, end... More

Brian Meeker

Brian Meeker

US Product Engineering & Development Leader

Brian is a principal with Deloitte Consulting LLP and leader of its US Product Engineering & Development practice. He has more than 20 years of consulting experience specializing in product developmen... More

Stephen Laaper

Stephen Laaper

Principal | Smart Manufacturing Leader

Stephen is a principal at Deloitte Consulting LLP and a manufacturing strategy and smart operations leader in Deloitte’s Supply Chain & Network Operations practice. He helped build Deloitte’s Digital ... More

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